Tengrinews.kz - The exchange rates for the dollar, euro, and ruble in Kazakh exchange offices on October 29.
Dollar to tenge exchange rate on October 29
As of 11 a.m., the dollar in Astana exchange offices is sold for 492.93 tenge, bought for 487.97 tenge. In Almaty, the sale of the American currency is 491.55 tenge, the purchase - 489.34 tenge.
On October 28, the dollar in Astana exchange offices was sold for 489.98 tenge, bought for 484.97 tenge. In Almaty exchange offices, the dollar exchange rate for sale was 487.90 tenge, for purchase - 485.95 tenge.
Euro to tenge exchange rate on October 29
Euros are sold at 531.98 tenge in Astana exchange offices and bought at 525.97 tenge. In Almaty exchange offices, the selling rate is 533.07 tenge and the buying rate is 528.98 tenge.
Euros were sold at 528.16 tenge and bought at 523.00 in Astana exchange offices on October 28. In Almaty, the selling rate was 528.12 tenge and the buying rate was 524.26.
Ruble to tenge exchange rate on October 29
Russian rubles are sold at 5.10 tenge and bought at 5.00 tenge in Astana exchange offices. In Almaty, the ruble is sold at 5.06 tenge and bought at 4.97 tenge.
On October 28, the ruble was sold at 5.05 tenge in Astana exchange offices, bought at 4.95 tenge. In Almaty, the ruble was sold at 5.05 tenge, bought at 4.95 tenge.
Official exchange rates from the National Bank on October 29
1 dollar - 487.81 tenge
1 euro - 527.62 tenge
1 ruble - 5.02 tenge
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin was asked how the government plans to curb the rise in food prices in connection with the rise in the dollar.
Dollar in Kazakhstan has risen in price by almost 3 tenge