site.news_by_theme Libya

A mourner holds a program during a public memorial service for slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. ©REUTERS Egypt nabs terror suspect linked to Benghazi attack: WSJ Egyptian authorities have detained a suspected terror network ringleader whose operatives are believed to have carried out a deadly attack on a US mission in Libya.
09 декабря 2012
Benghazi row in Washington narrows on edited memo The row over the assault on the US mission in Libya has narrowed to focus on how and why the CIA's determination that it was a terror attack was left out of a public "talking points" memo.
20 ноября 2012
 David Petraeus. ©REUTERS Petraeus says knew from start Benghazi was terrorism Former CIA chief David Petraeus told lawmakers Friday he knew from the outset that a deadly attack on a US mission in Libya was the work of terrorists, in his first outing since his resignation.
19 ноября 2012
US lawmakers see footage of Benghazi attack US senators got their first look Thursday at dramatic video footage of the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya as they probed the government's response to the assault.
16 ноября 2012
Libya army has 'no control' in Bani Walid: defence minister Libya's defence minister said Monday that the army has no control over Bani Walid, one of the last bastions of Moamer Kadhafi's regime, and that armed groups there prevent families from returning home.
30 октября 2012
US downplays Facebook claim on Benghazi attack Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House on Wednesday downplayed reports that a Libyan group claimed responsibility on Facebook for the deadly strike on the US consulate in Benghazi.
27 октября 2012
Libya marks 1st 'liberation' anniversary amid tension Libya on Tuesday celebrated the first anniversary of its "liberation" from the regime of Moamer Kadhafi, even as fighting flared in a former bastion of the slain dictator.
27 октября 2012
Libya economy boosted by oil pending reconstruction Libya's economy has made a swift recovery after the 2011 conflict, with oil production returning to near normal levels: but insecurity is holding up reconstruction and keeping foreign companies at bay.
20 октября 2012
Ex-rebels attack Libya's Bani Walid, 11 killed: local sources At least eleven Libyans were killed and scores wounded in clashes on Wednesday when ex-rebels linked to the army attacked Bani Walid, a former bastion of dictator Moamer Kadhafi.
19 октября 2012
Kadhafi hometown bristles over price it has paid Thousands of buildings with collapsed walls and missing storeys still beg for reconstruction in the Libyan city of Sirte, where Moamer Kadhafi made his last stand a year ago.
19 октября 2012
Peace envoy warns Syria conflict could set region 'ablaze' International peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has warned that the Syria conflict risks setting the region "ablaze", as clashes broke out across the border with Lebanon.
18 октября 2012
Evidence of mass murder after Kadhafi's death: HRW New evidence implicating militias in executions after ousted Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi was captured and killed in Sirte last October 20 raises fresh questions over his death.
17 октября 2012
Moamer Kadhafi. Photo courtesy of More freedom in Libya university but little change Portraits of toppled Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi may no longer adorn the walls of Tripoli University, but it is likely to be a long time before new values and higher standards become entrenched there.
16 октября 2012
Obama team hits back hard at Romney over Libya Top Democrats accused Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney on Sunday of "cravenly" politicizing the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi to further his presidential ambitions.
15 октября 2012
Laurence Pope. Photo courtesy of Veteran US diplomat takes charge in Libya A month after the killing of US ambassador Chris Stevens, Washington said Thursday it has brought a veteran diplomat out of retirement to head up its Libya team vowing to help build the new democracy.
14 октября 2012
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. ©REUTERS US spy chief rejects criticism over Libya attacks The chief of US intelligence has rejected criticism over how spy agencies responded to a deadly attack on diplomats in Libya and said there was no clear warning before the onslaught.
11 октября 2012
Clinton vows to answer all questions on Libya attack US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed Wednesday to answer lingering questions about last month's deadly attack on a US mission in Libya, seeking to counter a barrage of Republican criticism.
05 октября 2012
Questions mount over Benghazi attack Three weeks after a deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi little is known about how and why the assault happened or who was behind it, amid mounting concern over possible security lapses.
04 октября 2012
Libya's Misrata tense after death of man who caught Kadhafi Tension gripped Misrata Tuesday after the death of a rebel from the western city who was credited with capturing late Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, but who was later abducted and tortured in a rival town.
27 сентября 2012
Obama: Benghazi attack more than a 'mob' action US President Barack Obama said Monday that the attack on the US consulate in Libya's Benghazi was clearly more than a "mob action," amid lingering dispute about the nature of the assault.
26 сентября 2012

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