site.news_by_theme Islam

Iran president calls on Muslims to punish Saudi 'crimes' Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called Wednesday on the Muslim world to unite and punish the Saudi government.
07 September 2016
Viral photos add fuel to French burkini debate An angry debate over a ban on burkinis in France was further stoked by images of a veiled woman surrounded by police on a beach in Nice.
25 August 2016
Russia announces first Syria strikes from Iran base Russian warplanes on Tuesday flew a bombing run from an Iranian airstrip against jihadist groups in war-torn Syria.
16 August 2016
IS can be conduit for psychopaths' violent desires: experts Not all jihadists are psychopaths, and not all psychopaths turn violent.
21 July 2016
Gaza Salafists look to IS for inspiration Militants inspired by the Islamic State group's ideology are seeking to benefit from the desperation of young Palestinians to strengthen their foothold in the Gaza Strip.
12 May 2016
©Reuters Saudi orders 'kinder, gentler' religious police Saudi Arabia has stripped its frequently criticised religious police of their powers to arrest, urging them to act "kindly and gently" in enforcing Islamic rules.
13 April 2016
France PM warns extreme Islam winning the propaganda war Prime Minister Manuel Valls said extreme forms of Islam were winning the propaganda war for hearts and minds.
05 April 2016
Photo courtesty of Saudi police arrest 33 'terror' suspects, including one Kazakh Saudi authorities have arrested nine American citizens and one Kazakhstani among 33 'terror' suspects.
01 February 2016
France's Hollande heads to Russia to press anti-IS coalition French President Francois Hollande will hold talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as part of his diplomatic marathon to forge a broader coalition against Islamic State jihadists in the wake of the Paris attacks.
26 November 2015
French Muslim body to create 'licence to preach' for imams France's leading Muslim body said it would create a permit to preach for imams in a bid to root out extremists, as well as a new religious body to fight back against jihadist propaganda.
25 November 2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gives a speech on her approach to defeating the Islamic State terrorist networkÊin Syria, Iraq and across the Middle East at the Council on Foreign Relations. Clinton backs sweeping US-led global fight against IS Hillary Clinton called for a US-led global fight to defeat the Islamic State group and shut down its flow of fighters, propaganda and weapons in the wake of the Paris attacks.
20 November 2015
Trudeau tells Obama Canada will be 'strong' partner against IS Canada's freshly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed to remain a "strong" partner in the fight against the Islamic State group.
19 November 2015
UK should 'think again' on Syria air strikes: minister Britain should "think again" about taking part in air strikes on Islamic Statejihadists in Syria, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said, after attacks in Paris that left at least 129 people dead.
17 November 2015
Trump says would consider closing some US mosques Billionaire Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said that the United States should "strongly consider" shuttering some mosques.
17 November 2015
CIA chief expects more IS attacks in 'pipeline' CIA director John Brennan warned that the attacks in Paris were likely not a "one off event" and that he expects the Islamic State group has more operations in the pipeline.
17 November 2015
France hits back, striking IS in Syria after Paris carnage French warplanes pounded Islamic State's Syrian stronghold in retaliation for a wave of coordinated attacks claimed by the jihadists which left 129 people dead in Paris.
16 November 2015
Islamic State group claims Paris attacks The Islamic State jihadist group claimed gun and bomb attacks that left more than 120 people dead in Paris in a statement posted online.
14 November 2015
Paris attacks heighten pressure at Vienna Syria talks Multiple "terror" attacks in Paris increased the pressure on some 20 countries and organisations meeting in Vienna on Saturday to overcome deep divisions and help end Syria's horrific civil war.
14 November 2015
'Jihadi John': quiet football fan who became the symbol of IS From a quiet, football loving child to an Islamic State executioner, the man who became one of the most haunting figures of the jihadist movement remains a mystery even after being the high-profile target of a US air strike.
13 November 2015
Thousands demonstrate in Czech Republic against migrants Thousands of people protested against migrants in towns around the Czech Republic, a week after the UN slammed the country's treatment of new arrivals as "degrading".
29 October 2015

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