Dutch scientists use smell to recreate JFK, Diana and other famous deaths Dutch scientists are recreating the deaths of some of the world's most famous personalities by reconstructing their last moments using scents and sounds.
26 декабря 2014
Genes linked to developmental disorders British scientists said they had discovered 12 genes linked to developmental disorders in children that can cause heart defects, seizures and intellectual disability.
25 декабря 2014
Google self-driving car prototype ready to try road Google on Monday announced that the first completed prototype of its self-driving car is ready to be road tested.
23 декабря 2014
Birds can sense a coming storm and flee: study Birds appear to be able to sense a coming storm and fly away before it hits, according to research out on golden-winged warblers in the United States.
19 декабря 2014
India launches biggest ever rocket into space India successfully launched its biggest ever rocket, including an unmanned capsule which could one day send astronauts into space.
18 декабря 2014
Artificial blood from petroleum products to be produced in Kazakhstan Scientists from Kazakhstan have developed a new method of production of artificial blood from petroleum products.
18 декабря 2014
Kazakhstan needs asteroid observation stations: astrophysicist Many space objects remain undiscovered and some of them pose a threat to the Earth. Astrophysicist Victor Teifel says it is time to build a special station for detection of asteroids in Kazakhstan.
15 декабря 2014
Kazakh scientists transplant cow skin on human Kazakh scientists have demonstrated their new method of healing wounds, burns and other skin defects using cow skin transplants.
12 декабря 2014
Almaty one thousand years ago Famous Kazakh historian Karl Baipakov speaks about the origins of Almaty in Medieval Ages.
10 декабря 2014
Well preserved mammoth tusks discovered near Karaganda Workers of a mining company have discovered mammoth tusks in Karaganda Oblast.
10 декабря 2014
Almaty students develop robot to find radiation source in mines Students from Almaty have assembled a robot that can identify sources of radiation and harmful gases.
08 декабря 2014
Orion launch is trial by fire for Apollo-era heat shield NASA's Orion vehicle aims to carry humans farther into space than ever before, but its protective heat shield is basically the same as that used for the Apollo Moon missions.
06 декабря 2014
NASA counts down to Orion's first step to Mars The Orion spacecraft, designed to carry humans farther in deep space than ever before, is poised to blast off in what NASA hailed as a first step in mankind's journey to Mars.
04 декабря 2014
Kazakh 'smart' bus stops project catches attention of Silicon Valley Businessmen from the Silicon Valley have become interested in the project of 'smart' bus stops developed by Kazakhstanis.
04 декабря 2014
Kazakhstan startup seeks investor support in London A robotics educational startup founded by Kazakhstanis in London aims to attract investment for production of children's robo-sets.
03 декабря 2014
Japan launches rocket carrying asteroid probe Japan launched a rocket carrying a space probe destined for a distant asteroid, just weeks after a European spacecraft's historic landing on a comet.
03 декабря 2014
DNA may survive trip to suborbital space and back DNA molecules attached to the outside of a rocket may be able survive a trip to suborbital space and back into the Earth's atmosphere at extremely high temperatures.
27 ноября 2014
Benefits of regular vitamin D tests remain unproven: study Experts said regular tests for vitamin D levels are not proven to be beneficial or harmful.
25 ноября 2014
Italy's first female astronaut heads to ISS in Russian craft A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Italy's first female astronaut safely blasted off Sunday to begin its journey to the International Space Station.
24 ноября 2014
Scientists study rare tapeworm living in man's brain Scientists in Britain removed and studied a rare tapeworm that lived in a man's brain for four years, researchers saidю
21 ноября 2014

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