Kazakhstan to lift foreign workforce restrictions to be ready for EXPO-2017 in time Kazakhstan is planing to legal create conditions to bring in experienced guest workers to construct the EXPO-2017 facilities.
07 November 2013
Nazarbayev’s visit to Iran is message to the world to normalize relationships Yerlan Idrisov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, says that Astana has a practical interest in resolving the Iranian nuclear issue, because cooperation with Iran is important and holds promise for Kazakhstan.
07 November 2013
Taiwan signs free trade deal with Singapore Taiwan signed a free trade deal with Singapore on Thursday, its first with a Southeast Asian country, as the diplomatically isolated island steps up efforts to join regional economic blocs.
07 November 2013
Tests point to polonium poisoning in Arafat death: Jazeera Swiss scientists have concluded that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat probably died from polonium poisoning.
07 November 2013
'Omnivory' of Kazakhstan foreign politics according to Idrisov Kazakhstan Minister of Foreign Affairs Yerlan Idrisov says that Kazakhstan makes up for being landlocked by diversifying its foreign relations.
07 November 2013
Central Asia not ready for integration Kazakhstan Minister of Foreign Affairs Yerlan Idrisov believes it premature to discuss integration in Central Asia and more appropriate to think of it as cooperation.
07 November 2013
Swedish far right seeks to ban foreigners from begging The far-right Sweden Democrats party on Wednesday proposed forbidding foreigners from begging in the country under penalty of jail time or expulsion.
07 November 2013
Israel opposes alleged Iran nuclear proposal Israel urged world powers on Wednesday to reject what it said was an Iranian offer to partly cut back its nuclear programme in return for an easing of Western sanctions.
07 November 2013
EU countries resist extradition of fugitive Kazakhstan tycoons Some of the EU countries are resisting extradition of fugitive Kazakhstan tycoon.
07 November 2013
A controversy surrounding property confiscation of Kazakhstan's fugitive tycoons Kazakhstan wants to start confiscating property of fugitive tycoons without getting a court verdict.
06 November 2013
Tajiks set to elect strongman leader for fourth term Voters in Tajikistan, the poorest state in the former USSR, were set Wednesday to hand President Emomali Rakhmon an easy victory for a fourth term at the helm of his country bordering Afghanistan.
06 November 2013
New Finance Minister appointed in Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov has been appointed the new Minister of Finance in Kazakhstan.
06 November 2013
Zhamishev appointed Minister of Regional Development of Kazakhstan Bolat Zhamishev has been appointed Minister of Regional Development of Kazakhstan.
06 November 2013
Kerry seeks to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace process US Secretary of State John Kerry will hold talks Wednesday with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to try to keep the peace process from collapsing, urging them to reach a long-elusive deal.
06 November 2013
New York ends Bloomberg era, elects liberal de Blasio as mayor Voters in New York picked Bill de Blasio to be the city's first Democratic mayor in a generation, in one of a handful of elections seen as having considerable national importance.
06 November 2013
Japan mulling boosting Aegis destroyer fleet: report Japan is considering boosting its fleet of Aegis-equipped destroyers from six to eight to counter threats from North Korean missile development and tensions with China over territory.
06 November 2013
ISAF countries should prevent destabilization of CA region Security Council of Kazakhstan thinks that coalition countries in Afghanistan have no a moral right to allow destabilization of the region.
06 November 2013
International organizations compromise Central Asian integration According to Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of Kazakhstan Marat Shaikhutdinov, external players are more concerned with the integration of Central Asia than the region itself is.
05 November 2013
Chairman of Kazakhstan Religious Agency appointed A new chairman of the Agency for Religious Affairs of Kazakhstan has been appointed.
05 November 2013
Syrian regime says not going to Geneva talks to hand over power The Syrian regime will not attend a proposed Geneva peace conference if the aim is for President Bashar al-Assad to hand over power, the country's information minister said Monday.
05 November 2013

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