Tengrinews.kz - The dollar exchange rate in Kazakhstan on October 30.
According to the results of daytime trading on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange KASE, the average weighted dollar exchange rate was 488.45 tenge, having decreased by 2.90 tenge. Note that the official rate of the National Bank on October 30 is 491.70 tenge per dollar.
In accordance with kurs.kz, at the moment, the average dollar purchase rate in Almaty exchange offices is 487.95 tenge, and the sale rate is 489.71 tenge. In Astana exchange offices, the American currency is bought on average at 487.01 tenge and sold at 491.99 tenge.
Earlier, the exchange rates for the dollar, euro, and ruble in Kazakhstan exchange offices for October 30 were announced.
Previously, the Vice-Minister of Industry and Construction was asked if housing prices in Kazakhstan would change due to the rise of the dollar.