03 October 2024 | 08:30

“They offered 80 million”: What happened to 50 Cent's cap caught by Almaty resident


Tengrinews.kz - A young man named Darkhan, who caught the cap thrown by American rapper 50 Cent during a concert in Almaty, received offers up to 80 million tenge but ultimately decided to keep the treasured item as a memory.


Tengrinews.kz - A young man named Darkhan, who caught the cap thrown by American rapper 50 Cent during a concert in Almaty, received offers up to 80 million tenge but ultimately decided to keep the treasured item as a memory.

Story unfolded in November 2023 when 50 Cent tossed his cap into the crowd during his concert as part of The Final Lap Tour. Darkhan caught the cap, and the ensuing frenzy around it led to offers for the item reaching as high as 20 million tenge, along with proposals for a car and even an apartment.

A year later, we reached out to Darkhan to find out what had become of the prized cap. He shared that while the initial excitement has calmed, offers to purchase it still come in. One of the most substantial offers came last year when a businessman proposed 80 million tenge for the cap.


"A guy reached out to me on TikTok with an offer. He owned a trade center in one of Kazakhstan's regions and said he would sell his building to give me the money for the cap. This was during the peak excitement. I refused, telling him not to be foolish. It’s just a cap, after all. But he insisted, and I promised to think about it," Darkhan recounted.

Months later, the businessman checked in to see if Darkhan had sold the cap. Darkhan informed him that he was still receiving offers of 40 to 50 million tenge and inquired if the 80 million offer was still on the table. The businessman replied that he was no longer interested, as the hype had died down. "Good for him!" Darkhan remarked, noting that the man seemed to have matured and reconsidered.

Ultimately, despite all the tempting offers, Darkhan chose to keep the cap, explaining that it holds significant sentimental value as a reminder of an important moment in his life.

"I didn't agree to sell it because it's a memory for me, a reminder of an awesome moment. I think it will only increase in value over time. I’m a fan, and it represents my youth. The cap is important to me. I believe I can sell it anytime if I choose to, so while the hype was there and more was offered, for me, it’s more about the memory of that day," Darkhan shared.

He has dedicated a special place for the cap in his apartment, displaying it in a beautiful glass box to always remind him of that memorable day.

Darkhan also considered getting 50 Cent’s autograph on the very same cap and even thought about asking Kazakh rapper Skriptonit to sign it as well, thus creating a unique artifact associated with two music legends. However, he eventually decided to leave it as it is.

Recently, 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis James Jackson III, shared his impressions of the concert in Kazakhstan on a popular American show, highlighting the positive reception he received.

Read also: “I’m not Michael Jackson”: 50 Cent about his wild reception in Almaty.

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