site.news_by_theme tumour

British cancer boy Ashya leaves Prague for Spain Five-year-old British brain tumour patient Ashya King left Prague for Spain.
27 октября 2014
'No progression' of cancer for British boy Ashya: Czech centre Scans show "no progression" of cancer for five-year-old British brain tumour patient Ashya King, a Prague medical centre said.
11 сентября 2014
British cancer boy Ashya King heads for treatment in Prague. Ashya King, the five-year-old cancer patient whose parents triggered an international hunt when they took him from Britain to seek alternative care.
08 сентября 2014
Freed British parents reunited with ill son in Spain The British parents jailed after taking their critically-ill son from hospital enjoyed an emotional reunion with him at his bedside in Spain.
04 сентября 2014
Ashya King's parents freed from jail in Spain The British parents arrested for taking their ill son Ashya King from hospital looked forward to being reunited with him after being freed from jail.
03 сентября 2014
Brain tumour boy in 'stable condition' as parents face court A five-year-old British boy with a brain tumour who was taken from hospital without medical consent is in a "stable condition" in Spain.
01 сентября 2014
Time running out for 'kidnapped' brain tumour boy taken to France A frantic police hunt was underway Saturday for a five-year-old boy with a brain tumour taken from a British hospital by his family.
30 августа 2014
Genome tests help tailored treatment for breast cancer French doctors said on Friday they had used gene testing to help women with advanced breast cancer get access to clinical trials that may offer a better chance of treating their disease.
07 февраля 2014
Photo courtesy of Antioxidants speed lung cancer growth in mice: study People who smoke or have lung cancer should think twice about taking vitamin supplements, according to a Swedish study Wednesday that showed certain antioxidants may make tumors grow faster.
31 января 2014
Photo courtesy of New mutations may show how cancers grow: study Scientists have discovered two new genetic mutations that occur together in 71 percent of malignant melanoma tumors, an aggressive and deadly cancer of the skin.
27 января 2013
German doctors remove 28-kilo tumour from woman Doctors in Germany said Friday they had removed a tumour weighing 28 kilogrammes (62 pounds) from a 60-year-old woman who had previously been diagnosed as obese.
27 октября 2012
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