Facebook under fire over 'creepy' secret studyFacebook secretly manipulated the feelings of 700,000 users to understand "emotional contagion" in a study that prompted anger and forced the social network giant on the defensive.
'Super' banana to face first human trialA super-enriched banana genetically engineered to improve the lives of millions of people in Africa will soon have its first human trial, which will test its effect on vitamin A levels, Australian researchers said.
'Extinct' bat found in Papua New GuineaA big-eared bat which was thought to be extinct has been found in a forest in Papua New Guinea, highlighting the unique biodiversity of the developing nation, researchers said.
05 June 2014
Spain okays Repsol plan for Canary Islands explorationThe Spanish government on Thursday gave oil giant Repsol the green light to explore for oil and gas off the coast of the Canary Islands, a move that environmental groups described as "unjustifiable".
30 May 2014
Tiny 'living fossil' found in New Zealand watersA microscopic marine creature believed to have been extinct for four million years has been found alive and well in New Zealand waters, researchers said.
30 May 2014
New Zealand's iconic kiwi no Australian immigrantNew Zealand's iconic kiwi is most closely related to the extinct elephant bird of Madagascar rather than the Australian emu as previously thought, researchers said Thursday.
Better care can save 3-m babies, mothers per yearThe lives of three million women and babies can be saved every year by 2025 for an annual investment of about a dollar per head in better maternity care, researchers said.
21 May 2014
Mexico to extract 12,000-year-old teen skeletonMexican researchers plan to extract the more than 12,000-year-old skeleton of a teenage girl whose discovery in an underwater cave has given new clues about the origins of the first Native Americans.
21 May 2014
Fossils of 'largest' dinosaur found in ArgentinaPaleontologists in Argentina's remote Patagonia region have discovered fossils of what may be the largest dinosaur ever, amid a vast cache of fossils that could shed light on prehistoric life.
Only 1 in 7 Japanese scientists are women: studyJust a seventh of scientists in Japan are female, government figures show -- the lowest rate of any developed nation, despite being a record high for the country.
16 April 2014
Unique paleontological site disappearing in PavlodarA unique archeological site containing remnants of rhinoceros and mastodons in Pavlodar will vanish if the city administration does not start to care about the Gusinii Perelet paleontological site.