A unique archeological site containing remnants of rhinoceros, mastodons and other Ice Age monsters in Pavlodar will vanish from the face of the earth if the city administration does not start to care, Tengrinews reports citing a Russian paleontologist Leonid Gaiduchenko.
The paleontological site called Gusiny Perelet (Goose passage) is located right in the middle of Parvoldar city in northeastern Kazakhstan.
“It is a unique paleontological site that has a large number of 5-6 million-year-old hipparion remnants (…). It offers a rich fauna that features dozens of mammals, birds and reptiles. And all of it is situated right in the city center,” Gaiduchenko said.
According to the scientist, the most part of the site that still contains remnants of the prehistoric animals had been build up with houses and commercial property. The remaining territory is getting messier with garbage and cars are driving right over it. All warning signs have been swept away.
“Out of 6 hectares, less than 2 hectares remain now. If the territory of Gusiny Perelet is fenced off and guarded again and no more construction takes place there, then the site may be saved for many generations to come. It is also very important to continue research in the area. At the very base of the burial there is a huge mastodon. In addition, during excavations it will be possible to uncover not only separate bones, but even the entire skeleton of other animals,” the paleontologist said.
Gaiduchenko reminded that the first and only ancient bear skeleton in the world was found at that site in Pavlodar. There were also a number of ancient rhinoceros, hipparions and mastodons remains found. “This land holds many secrets. The fossil layers captured the fauna, climate and environment. And this information might come in very useful later on, because climate changes may become an even greater problem and we would need the site to study climate changes of the past," Gaiduchenko said.
"The site could become an excellent, exclusive, facility of both scientific and cultural value," the Russian expert said.
In spring 2013, Kazakhstan scientists and the city administration announced plans to build a Paleontological Museum at the paleontological site to protect the remnants. But despite the promise to start the work in summer last year, the project has not seen the light of day.
The paleontological site Gusiny Perelet was discovered by a Moscow paleontologist Yury Orlov in 1928. During excavations at the site in 1929-1930 a great number of Neogene animal remnants were found. Due to lack of research facilities in Pavlodar at that time, all the fossils were transported to Russia. Only in 2001, the paleontological site gained the status of a site of national importance in Kazakhstan.