Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry'Wars are no longer the same they used to be. Now they are hybrids of economic, political, informational, internal and other wars, and the army has to adjust to the new specifics: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
China adopts first counter-terrorism lawChina adopted its first counter-terrorism law Sunday: its provisions may tighten media controls and threaten the intellectual property of foreign firms.
Foreigners drawn to Myanmar's bone-crunching kickboxingA roar erupted at the Yangon ring as the home champion ploughed a right hook into his American opponent's face, crumpling him to the canvas in the opening round of the bone-crunching kickboxing bout.
Turkmenistan eyes Western markets with new $2.5 bln gas linkTurkmenistan hailed on Wednesday the completion of a $2.5 billion gas pipeline connecting its abundant eastern gas fields to the Caspian Sea while potentially expanding Europe's energy security options.
Oil price slump forces Azerbaijan to stop propping up currencyEnergy-rich Azerbaijan, whose economy has been hit hard by falling oil prices, withdrew support Monday for its embattled currency and the manat plunged by nearly a third against the dollar.