Across 27 countries in 75 days: adventures of Indian filmmaker
Lal Jose and his friends will drive across two continents, crossing 27 countries, including Kazakhstan, and covering 24,000 kilometers in 75 days with a message of good will.
UK to provide military equipment to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Defense will receive all terrain vehicles (ATV) and night vision equipment from the United Kingdom.
Brain drain worries Kazakhstan's PM Massimov
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov named brain drain as one of the main challenges to the economy of Kazakhstan.
11 y.o. Kazakh pianist wins competition in Cannes
11-y.o. pianist from Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, Alina Galiyeva has won a prestigious international competition in
Caterpillar plague in eastern Kazakhstan
Green caterpillars have flooded Shygys and Novoyavlenka villages in East Kazakhstan Oblast.
Corruption in Kazakhstan's education system
Corruption in the education system of Kazakhstan has been increasing lately in spite of all the measures taken to harness it.
Petrol production in Kazakhstan grows 17% from January to June
Earlier the country’s Oil Minister Uzakbai Karabalin assured journalists the country wasn’t going to face any petrol shortages.
11 000 Kazakhstanis may face disruption of their planned holidays abroad
All of them were unlucky to buy non-refundable air tickets for chartered flights to be performed by Turkey-based Atlas Jet that has halted its regular flights.
Russian President signs law on Good-Neighborliness and Alliance in 21 Century
Vladimir Putin has signed the Law On Ratification of the Agreement on good-neighborliness and alliance in the XXI century.
IBRD to loan $36 million to Kazakhstan to enhance legal system
President Nursultan Nazarbayev has endorsed a law on ratification of the agreement on a loan between Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Tazhayakov did not take Tsarnayev's backpack: Wooldridge
Boston Federal Court started hearings of the Azamat Tazhayakov case.
Bizarre glow over Kyzylorda explained
A very unusual phenomenon has been witnessed by residents of Kyzylorda on the evening of July 8.
Prosecutors 'attempt to impress the public': Kadyrbayev-Tazhayakov case
American attorneys and legal experts have criticized the prosecutors for bringing overly harsh charges against Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev who are accused of obstructing justice in the Boston bombings case.
Italian Ambassador to Kazakhstan completes his mission
Italian Ambassador to Kazakhstan Alberto Pieri has completed his mission in Kazakhstan.
Pension reform concept approved in Kazakhstan
The Concept of modernization of Kazakhstan’s pension system until 2030 has been approved.
Jury selected for Tazhayakov's hearing on July 7
The Boston court will make the final decision in the case of a Kazakhstani student Azamat Tazhayakov accused of impeding the Boston bombings investigation.
Italy's military cargo transit from Afghanistan ratified by Kazakhstan's Senate
The Upper Chamber of Kazakhstan’s Parliament has ratified the Agreement between the government of Kazakhstan and Italy on transit of military equipment and personnel via Kazakhstan’s territory.
Kazakhstan Senate ratifies investment protection agreement with Estonia
The Senate of Kazakhstan has ratified the Kazakhstan-Estonian agreement that encourages and protects mutual investments.
Kyrgyzstan to rely on Kazakhstan’s power supply for another year
Up to now the country’s northern regions have depended on power supplied from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In 2015 Kyrgyzstan plans to compete construction of the Datka-Kemin power supply line to link the South and the North of the country.
Kazakhstan extends ban on alcohol sales after daylight
Strong and light alcoholic beverages in Kazakhstan are now sold at different times of day.