Philippines' Easter crucifixons draw huge crowdsThousands of people flocked to rural fields in the Philippines on Friday to witness the gruesome spectacle of men being crucified in their annual Easter re-enactment of the death of Jesus Christ.
Barefoot hordes in spectacular Philippine Catholic paradeHundreds of thousands of barefoot devotees poured into Manila Thursday for one of the world's biggest Catholic parades honouring an ebony statue of Jesus Christ they believe has miraculous powers.
09 January 2014
Philippines marks Easter with bloody mock crucifixions Catholic zealots in the Philippines re-enacted the last hours of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, whipping their backs and nailing themselves to crosses in a grisly Easter ritual that persists despite Church disapproval.
29 March 2013
Thousands flock to Bethlehem for Christmas Thousands of Palestinians and tourists were flocking to the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Monday to mark Christmas at the site where many believe Jesus Christ was born.
25 December 2012
'Wife' of Jesus theory attracts scepticism A US professor has caused a sensation in Rome where she spoke about an ancient papyrus fragment that refers to the "wife" of Jesus.