site.news_by_theme France

Vowing to 'destroy terrorists,' France adopts words of war With its talk of "destroying" enemies and confronting "jihadi terrorists", France has adopted a language of war for its intervention in Mali that few expected from Socialist President Francois Hollande.
18 января 2013
French ground troops prepare to battle Islamists The first troops from a multinational African intervention force were expected in Mali Wednesday as French soldiers drove out to face Islamist fighters in the north, in their first operation.
16 января 2013
France faces tough, potentially long, fight in Mali French forces intervening in Mali are facing a determined, experienced and well-armed foe and will not be able to quickly count on the backing of an organised African ground force.
16 января 2013
Chastened US takes cautious view of Mali conflict The United States has chosen to play a cautious supporting role to France's military action against Islamist fighters in Mali, after Washington's own attempt to build up the African nation's army backfired badly.
15 января 2013
Mali crucible gives Hollande chance to forge new image Francois Hollande's decision to order French forces into battle in Mali represents a watershed moment for a president derided by his critics as a compulsive ditherer.
14 января 2013
France urges rapid deployment of force to Mali France has asked the United Nations to "accelerate" implementation of a resolution that enables the deployment of an international force to Mali.
13 января 2013
Islamists claim French botch hostage rescue in Somalia Somali Islamists claimed Saturday that a French commando unit had botched an attempt overnight to free a hostage in southern Somalia, leaving several dead.
12 января 2013
French unions, employers agree changes to labour laws French President Francois Hollande led a chorus of approval after unions and employers reached a deal on reforms to the country's complex labour laws after more than three months of talks.
12 января 2013
Astana team. © Africa Eco Race-2013 Kazakhstan crews bound for Almaty Kazakhstan crews Shagirov/Moroz (winners of the race's T2 class) and Sazonov/Sakhimov were ranked 11th and 18th in their Auto category.
11 января 2013
Marseille hopes for image makeover with culture year Long plagued by a reputation for gang crime and lawlessness, France's port city of Marseille is hoping its year as the European Capital of Culture will finally give its image a makeover.
11 января 2013
Champagne faux pas at Obama inaugural luncheon? Would champagne by any other name taste as good? For French producers, the answer is a resounding "non".
11 января 2013
Photo by Danial Okassov© Kazakhstan ratifies agreement on French military transit The document allows French aircrafts arriving from Afghanistan to land in Shymkent airport and re-load military property owned by the French.
10 января 2013
Valentin Iglinsky. Photo courtesy of Cycling: Iglinsky tried on new team’s uniform Former Astana cyclist Valentin Iglinsky of Kazakhstan signed a one-year contract with French AG2R in the end of 2012.
10 января 2013
Carla Bruni Sarkozy. Photo courtesy of France's Carla Bruni to release new album Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, France's former first lady, will release a new album entitled "Little French Songs" in the spring, the singer-songwriter's agent said on Tuesday.
10 января 2013
Passions rise in France ahead of anti gay marriage protest Passions and tensions are rising in France ahead of an expected giant weekend rally against the government's plan to legalise same-sex marriage and adoption that has angered influential Catholic and Muslim groups.
09 января 2013
French startup takes fork on road to health If you come to a fork on the Internet, take it. It may end up being beneficial to your health.
09 января 2013
Nureyev's legacy in spotlight, 20 years on Twenty years after his death, Rudolf Nureyev's legacy still lights up the world of ballet as brilliantly as the flamboyant performances which once illuminated the greatest stages.
04 января 2013
Putin grants France's Depardieu Russian citizenship Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday granted fast-track citizenship to France's Gerard Depardieu after the movie star complained about the French Socialist government's proposed 75 percent tax on the rich.
04 января 2013
Defectors say Syrian state journalists 'kill with words' Lama al-Khadra summed up her work for Radio Damascus with a grim phrase: "Our mission was to kill with words."
31 декабря 2012
Louis XVI. Photo courtesy of Dried squash holds headless French king's blood: study Two centuries after the French people beheaded Louis XVI and dipped their handkerchiefs in his blood, scientists believe they have authenticated the remains of one such rag kept as a revolutionary souvenir.
31 декабря 2012

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