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Lebanon tourism pays the price for Syria's war Dia's restaurant in the Lebanese resort village of Aley is deserted. Most years, he caters to thousands of rich Gulf Arab tourists and to visiting expats, but this year no one has come.
29 июня 2013
Brazil leader pushes for reform as FIFA hails Confed Cup Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Friday raced to build support for reforms in response to nationwide protests as the head of world football hailed the Brazil-hosted Confederations Cup as the "best ever."
29 июня 2013
Lagarde hopes Europe will 'one day' appreciate IMF IMF chief Christine Lagarde hopes the new Greek government "will hold" and that "one day" the Fund's work in Europe, currently the target of criticism.
28 июня 2013
General Motors Chairman and CEO Dan Akerson. ©REUTERS/Rebecca Cook GM to invest $691 million to boost Mexico operations General Motors announced Wednesday that it will invest $691 million to boost its operations in Mexico, a nation whose low wages and proximity to the United States are increasingly attracting automakers.
27 июня 2013
EU ministers agree on new bank rescue rules European finance ministers on Thursday agreed a draft deal on new rules for bank rescues that will only allow bailouts by taxpayers in exceptional cases and shift the burden onto bank owners, creditors and large depositors.
27 июня 2013
Photo courtesy of US fines 'Hezbollah' bank $102 mn for laundering A Lebanese bank accused of laundering money from drugs and other operations for clients tied to Hezbollah militants agreed Tuesday to pay US authorities $102 million to settle the charges.
26 июня 2013
More protests as Brazilian street speaks A new wave of street protests swept Brazil on Sunday amid mounting popular support for demands for wide-ranging institutional reform and investment in crumbling public services.
24 июня 2013
Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. ©REUTERS/Luke MacGregor British economy 'out of intensive care': Osborne Finance minister George Osborne on Sunday said the British economy was "out of intensive care" but that government would stick to a path of deep cuts to public spending.
24 июня 2013
EU finance minister talks break down on bank closure regime European Union finance ministers failed early Saturday to reach an agreement on how to close down failing banks before they can do too much damage to the wider economy.
24 июня 2013
Former Enron Corp. chief executive Jeff Skilling (C). ©REUTERS US cuts prison term of disgraced Enron CEO Skilling A US judge cut 10 years off the prison sentence of disgraced former Enron chief executive Jeff Skilling on Friday after he spent years fighting his original 24-year jail term for fraud.
23 июня 2013
Rousseff says Brazil can do better, slams violence Embattled president Dilma Rousseff admitted in a televised address that Brazil can do better and pledged to do more to fight corruption.
23 июня 2013
One million march in Brazil's escalating protests At least one million people rallied across Brazil on Thursday in escalating mass demonstrations over the quality of public services and the high cost of staging the World Cup.
21 июня 2013
Brazil fare hikes rolled back in victory for protests Brazil's two biggest cities on Wednesday rolled back transit fare hikes that had triggered massive protests as demonstrators clashed with police outside a Confederations Cup match.
20 июня 2013
©REUTERS/Parivartan Sharma Deloitte fined $10 mn in US laundering case Big accountancy Deloitte was fined $10 million by New York state on Tuesday for its actions in advising Standard Chartered Bank over money laundering.
19 июня 2013
OECD report to help G8 offensive against tax evaders The OECD provided ammunition Tuesday for an expected G8 offensive against tax evasion in a report outlining how to bring about automatic sharing of financial information that would shoot a hole through banking secrecy.
19 июня 2013
Greece faces general strike amid fury over state TV closure Greek unions plan a 24-hour general strike Thursday, amid a storm of protest over the government's decision to shut down public broadcaster ERT as part of sweeping cost-cutting measures.
13 июня 2013
Kaushik Basu, the World Bank's chief economist. ©REUTERS/B Mathur World Bank sees less global growth, more stability The World Bank on Wednesday lowered its growth estimate for the global economy in 2013, but said that expansion appeared better balanced than just before the 2008 financial crisis.
13 июня 2013
Consumers in crisis-hit Spain put brakes on spending Spaniards are buying fewer cars, fewer clothes and even cutting back on smoking as a grinding recession and rising unemployment force them to slash spending, dealing a severe blow to manufacturers and shops.
11 июня 2013
Kerry renews $1.3 bn annual military aid for Egypt Secretary of State John Kerry last month approved $1.3 billion in annual US military aid to Egypt, despite concerns over democratic progress by the country's new government.
08 июня 2013
©REUTERS/Thomas Peter Global cybercrime ring targeted by Microsoft and FBI Microsoft on Wednesday said it teamed with the FBI to disrupt armies of hacked computers used to commit more than a half-billion dollars in financial fraud around the world.
07 июня 2013

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