Over 90,000 rare saiga antelopes dead in Kazakhstan in 10 days
The number of endangered rare saiga antelopes found dead in Kazakhstan over the past two weeks has reached 90,000.
Mass beaching fuels 'unscientific' Japan quake fears
The mass beaching of more than 150 melon-headed whales on Japan's shores has fuelled fears of a repeat of a seemingly unrelated event in the country.
Unlikely buddies: Android gets 6 million views for animal friendship video
Who can say no to a video about animals? Who can say no to a video about friendship between unlikely buddies?
Kazakh scientists suggest adding live bacteria to cattle's feed
Kazakh researchers from Almaty-based Kazakh National Technical University have developed bio pellets that facilitate growth of livestock.
Majilis ratifies OIE office on FMD in Astana
The lower chamber of Kazakhstan’s Parliament - the Majilis - has approved the draft law establishing an OIE office on FMD in Astana.
Well preserved mammoth tusks discovered near Karaganda
Workers of a mining company have discovered mammoth tusks in Karaganda Oblast.
Revival of Przewalski's horses continues in Kazakhstan
Przewalski's horses will be brought from the Nuremberg Zoo to Kazakhstan in Spring 2016.
Australia's angry birds swoop to protect young
Every year in spring, Australians are seen wearing bicycle helmets with spikes on top or caps that have images of eyes on their back.
Antibiotics may help animals spread salmonella: study
Giving animals antibiotics may make them sicker and could lead some to spread even more salmonella than they would have otherwise.
Anthrax case in western Kazakhstan
A 65-year-old woman from Zhanybek region of West Kazakhstan Oblast has been hospitalised with anthrax.
Collapsible wings help eagle fight air turbulence
Soaring eagles tuck in their wings when encountering turbulence to avoid damaging their muscles, scientists suggested.
She-bear rescues her trapped cub
A cub was trapped on top of a tree, and the she-bear rushed to save her baby.
Jellyfish in Kazakhstan?
A resident of Ust-Kamenogorsk in Kazakhstan has made a video purporting to show jellyfish in a local water pond.
Sturgeon may inhabit Kazakhstan's northern regions first time ever
An entrepreneur from Akmola Oblast Adil Galimov has bred large sturgeons in artificial ponds from Astana.
Efforts to preserve rare nomad dog breed in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is stepping up its efforts to preserve the nearly extinct tazy dog breed.
Drunken hunter fights off Australian croc with an eye-poke
A tipsy goose hunter he lived to tell the tale of being attacked by a two-metre-long crocodile after poking the beast in the eye.
Pet animals become victims of Ebola scare in Ivory Coast
People in Ivory Coast like to keep wild animals as pets but are now rethinking the custom with the deadly Ebola virus sweeping neighbouring countries.
Chimps are natural-born killers, say scientists
Chimpanzees can be lethally violent to each other but this stems from an inherent streak and not, as some have suggested, from human interference.
Gibbon take: DNA study reveals king of the swingers
Scientists said they have unravelled the genetic code of the gibbon, shedding light on one of the most enigmatic members of the ape family.
Dolphin entangled in fishing line asks diver for help
A video capturing a dolphin entangled in a fishing line who approaches a group of divers for help has once again proved the animal’s high intelligence.