Mobile app spyware developer indicted on US charges
The head of a Pakistani company which created an app called StealthGenie allowing users to spy on other people's mobile devices.
New Kazakh robot to help the visually impaired
Kazakhstan laboratory has built a prototype of a robot with a system of speech recognition and synthesis.
Roche breast cancer drug 'helps patients live longer': study
A drug developed by Swiss giant Roche to treat an aggressive form of breast cancer has been shown to extend patients' lives by almost 16 months.
Crew including first woman cosmonaut in 17 years blasts off for ISS
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying an American astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts, including the first woman cosmonaut in 17 years, blasted off on schedule.
India's spacecraft beams back first Mars photos
India's spacecraft has beamed back its first photos of Mars, showing its crater-marked surface.
Indian spacecraft on course to enter Mars orbit
India is on course to become the first nation to reach Mars on its first attempt.
SpaceX cargo capsule nears International Space Station
SpaceX's unmanned Dragon spacecraft was nearing the International Space Station with a cargo of supplies.
Physicists achieve longer distance quantum teleportation
Physicists in Switzerland said they had succeeded in teleporting the quantum state of a photon to a crystal.
Weather forces delay to SpaceX cargo mission
Thick clouds and rain over the Florida coast early forced the California-based SpaceX to postpone the launch of its Dragon cargo carrier.