Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has released a weather forecast for Astana for the next three days - from February 1 to 3.
Astana weather forecast
February 1: Variable cloudiness, precipitation in the morning and during the day (snow, rain), ground snowstorm, ice. Southwest wind 9-14, gusts of 15-18 m/s in the morning and during the day. Temperature: from -18 to -20°C at night, from 0 to -2°C during the day.
February 2: Variable cloudiness, snow at night, precipitation during the day (rain, snow). Snowstorm, ice. West wind 9-14, gusts of 15-20 m/s. Temperature: from -4 to -6°C at night, 0°C during the day.
February 3: Variable cloudiness, no precipitation. Occasional fog, ice. South-east wind 9-14 m/s. Temperature: from -4 to -6°C at night, from -1 to -°C during the day.
Earlier, forecasters clarified the weather forecast for the winter 2024/2025 in Kazakhstan. It is noted that in general, the temperature regime in winter is expected to be within the climatic norm with the amount of precipitation exceeding the long-term norm. However, periods with the cessation of precipitation and abnormally low air temperatures are not excluded.