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Photo courtesy of Wreck near Baikonur may be Dnepr rocket The fragments that resemble a wreck of a spacecraft discovered near Baikonur in Kazakhstan might be pieces of Dnepr rocket.
06 ноября 2013
©Reuters Spacecraft wreck found near Baikonur Wrecks of an unidentified spacecraft have been discovered not far from Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.
06 ноября 2013
Russia to take Olympic torch into space Three new crew members blast off Thursday for the International Space Station (ISS) on a Russian rocket, taking with them the precious cargo of an Olympic torch for the 2014 Winter Games in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.
06 ноября 2013
China shows off moon rover model before space launch China offered a rare glimpse into its secretive space programme on Tuesday, displaying a model of a lunar rover that will explore the moon's surface in an upcoming mission.
05 ноября 2013
© Kazakhstan offeres Kyrgyzstan jointly use KazSat Kazakhstan has offered Kyrgyzstan to use its KazSat communication satellites together.
05 ноября 2013
Countdown to Mars: Indian mission prepares for blastoff India's launches its first mission to Mars on Tuesday, aiming to become the only Asian nation to reach the Red Planet with a programme designed to showcase its low-cost space technology.
05 ноября 2013
From North Pole to the stars: Russia's thrill-seeking tycoon Other tycoons may plough their millions into yachts or private jets, but Vasily Klyukin prefers a good "adventure". On his diary for next year? A space trip with Leonardo DiCaprio.
04 ноября 2013
©Reuters/Cheryl Ravelo Chile observatory finds the coldest spot in space The coldest place in the universe -- just one degree above absolute zero, the temperatures at which all atoms freeze -- is the Boomerang Nebula.
01 ноября 2013
Talgat Mussabayev. Marat Abilov © Space chief says Kazakhstan Bolashak graduates study English in bars According to him, the level of language competency and expertise of Bolashak bursary holders leaves much to be desired.
30 октября 2013
©Reuters//NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/Handout NASA to probe why Mars lost its atmosphere NASA said Monday it is on track to launch its Maven probe to Mars next month to find out why the Red Planet lost much of its atmosphere.
29 октября 2013
©Reuters/NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team Is the 'Christmas Comet' cracking up? An incoming comet that skygazers had hoped would provide one of the greatest celestial shows of the century, could be a fizzle.
18 октября 2013
Space 'graveyard' reveals bits of an Earth-like planet Astronomers have autopsied a distant, broken apart planet and revealed signs of water and a rocky surface together for the first time, delighting scientists on the hunt for alien life.
12 октября 2013
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. ©Reuters/Robert Galbraith NASA vows to review ban on Chinese astronomers The US space agency Thursday vowed to reconsider the applications of Chinese scientists who were denied access to a NASA conference on security grounds.
11 октября 2013
Planet found floating without star in space Astronomers said Wednesday they have found a lonely planet outside the solar system floating alone in space and not orbiting a star.
10 октября 2013
©REUTERS Kazakhstan astronomers to help build unique telescope Kazakhstan astronomers will take part in the Ultraviolet international project of the World Space Observatory.
08 октября 2013
©RIA Novosti First Proton launched from Baikonur after crash Theу First Proton-M carrier rocket after the July crash has been launched from Baikonur cosmodrome.
30 сентября 2013
American, two Russians take shortcut to space An American and two Russians blasted off Thursday for the International Space Station atop a Soyuz rocket that will slash more than a day off the usual travel time.
26 сентября 2013
©RIA Novosti Russia to launch Proton without Kazakhstan's consent Russia will launch a Proton carrier rocket from Baikonur cosmodrome without Kazakhstan’s consent.
24 сентября 2013
NASA's Mars Curiosity. ©Reuters/NASA/Handout Life on Mars hopes fade after rover findings: study Hopes of finding life on Mars suffered a setback after new findings from NASA's Curiosity rover detected only trace amounts of methane gas in the Red Planet's atmosphere.
21 сентября 2013
Japan's new rocket blasts off in laptop-controlled launch Japan's new solid-fuel rocket blasted off Saturday carrying a telescope for remote observation of planets in a launch coordinated from a laptop computer-based command centre.
15 сентября 2013

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