
South Kazakhstan oblast site.news_by_theme

Groundbreaking crop yielding technology: Kazakhstani scientists
Groundbreaking crop yielding technology: Kazakhstani scientists
No migration of workforce from China to Kazakhstan
No migration of workforce from China to Kazakhstan
Quadruplets born in southern Kazakhstan
Quadruplets born in southern Kazakhstan
Spring road repair works underway: 2 million square meters to be repaired
Spring road repair works underway: 2 million square meters to be repaired
French thief steals from rare birds in South Kazakhstan
French thief steals from rare birds in South Kazakhstan
Rejoice spring is here: Snowdrops
Rejoice spring is here: Snowdrops
Falsely diagnosed orphans and abandoned children of South Kazakhstan Oblast
Falsely diagnosed orphans and abandoned children of South Kazakhstan Oblast
Southern Kazakhstan flooded, 3 herds of horses dead
Southern Kazakhstan flooded, 3 herds of horses dead
Artefacts of 18 century war discovered in South Kazakhstan
Artefacts of 18 century war discovered in South Kazakhstan
Syrdarya River floods farms in southern Kazakhstan
Syrdarya River floods farms in southern Kazakhstan
Baby sales in South Kazakhstan: Starting from $200
Baby sales in South Kazakhstan: Starting from $200
When traditions violate human rights: bride kidnapping in Kazakhstan
When traditions violate human rights: bride kidnapping in Kazakhstan
Bride kidnapping is medieval: Governor of South Kazakhstan oblast
Bride kidnapping is medieval: Governor of South Kazakhstan oblast
Governor tells about plans to turn Shymkent into metropolis
Governor tells about plans to turn Shymkent into metropolis
700 children skip school to harvest cotton in southern Kazakhstan, principals fined
700 children skip school to harvest cotton in southern Kazakhstan, principals fined
No uranium revival for Mangistau
No uranium revival for Mangistau
Cotton production spikes in South Kazakhstan
Cotton production spikes in South Kazakhstan
Southern Kazakhstan fears cholera outbreak
Southern Kazakhstan fears cholera outbreak
High quality wines to be produced in south Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev
High quality wines to be produced in south Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev
4.5% of underage girls get married in Kazakhstan
4.5% of underage girls get married in Kazakhstan