Oil price slump forces Azerbaijan to stop propping up currencyEnergy-rich Azerbaijan, whose economy has been hit hard by falling oil prices, withdrew support Monday for its embattled currency and the manat plunged by nearly a third against the dollar.
Kazakhstan mulling privatization of oil refineriesOil production in Kazakhstan in 2014 stood at 73.7 million tons. The three Kazakhstan-based oil refineries produced a total of 3.02 million tons of petrol.
New CEO appointed at Kazmunaigas EPKurmangazy Iskaziev has been appointed the new General Director (CEO) of the Kazmunaigas Exploration and Production
29 September 2015
Clinton stands against controversial Keystone pipelineAfter declining for months to announce her position on a major Canada-to-US oil pipeline, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that she is opposed to the controversial project.
Kazakhstan still planning to resume production at Kashagan late 2016Kashagan oil project in the Caspian offshore will be economically viable with oil rices standing at $100 per barrel, a Tengrinews.kz journalist reported earlier, citing Sauat Mynbayev, KazMunaiGas Chairman of the Board.