Obama feels heat over Syria chemical weapons claims Growing speculation that the Syrian regime is using chemical weapons is turning up the heat on President Barack Obama, who has warned such a move would be a game changer.
26 April 2013
Google says FBI watching the Web Google says the FBI is monitoring the Web for potential terrorist activity. But it can't confirm the extent of the surveillance.
International vote observers fanning out across US International observers have fanned out across some 40 US states to monitor next week's elections, a State Department official said Friday, adding problems with some states were being ironed out.
04 November 2012
Texas warns it could prosecute OSCE poll monitors The southern US state of Texas has warned it could prosecute election observers from the OSCE, a global body that regularly monitors voting around the world, if they try to visit polling stations next month.
26 October 2012
Japan's radiation monitoring unreliable: Greenpeace Government radiation monitoring in areas near Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is unreliable, Greenpeace charged on Tuesday, with heavily populated areas exposed to 13 times the legal limit.
23 October 2012
Unasur observers prepare for Venezuela election Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his rival Henrique Capriles are satisfied with logistical preparations ahead of the arrival of election monitors from the Union of South American Nations.