site.news_by_theme child
Astana experiences shortage of high school and pre-school teachers
Astana's Education Department is alarmed with a shortage of teachers that could become worse in the capital city in the nearest future.
30 August 2014
Ethnic Kazakhs life in Shanghai
Aidyn Yeleusizov is an ethnic Kazakh born in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. He has moved to Shanghai 10 years ago. Currently, he works as an engineer. Lives with his wife and a son.
28 August 2014
What is wrong with Kazakhstani education?
Serik Irsaliev of the MInistry of Education shared the findings of an international study that looked into the Kazakh education system.
24 August 2014
10 y.o. Bibissara Assaubayeva from Kazakhstan wins Juniors Chess Championship
Little Kazakhstani Miss Bibissara Assaubayeva, 10, has won the 13th Dubai Juniors Chess Championship 2014.
20 August 2014
Kazakhstani woman arrested in USA after abuse from her husband
A Kazakhstani citizen Ms. Asiya Kushenova has been arrested in the United States.
15 August 2014
3-y.o. boy survives fall from 5th floor in Shymkent
A 3-year-old boy survived a fall out of a fifth-floor window in Shymkent, southern Kazakhstan.
14 August 2014
New treatment helps children with ICP walk in Kazakhstan
A recreational therapist from Pavlodar Alexander Myakota invented exercising equipment to treat infantile cerebral palsy (ICP).
01 August 2014
6 y.o. Sophie Manasyan wins Constellation of Vienna in Austria.
6 y.o. Sophie Manasyan won a prize in choreography at the children’s and youth creativity festival Constellation of Vienna in Austria.
01 August 2014
Grim reality of Kazakhstani rehab centres for abused children
The grim reality of Kazakhstan’s Centers for Adaptation of Underage startles with adults’ inhumanity and cruelty towards abused children.
24 July 2014
Little boy dragged to death outside hijacked car in S.Africa
A four-year-old boy trapped by his seatbelt was dragged to his death behind a hijacked car in South Africa, leaving his traumatised mother screaming at the side of the road, police and media said.
22 July 2014
Lost toddler saved by dog in forest
As the old saying goes “man’s best friend”, a toddler was saved by a mongrel dog in a forest.
21 July 2014
Instructor to appear in India court over alleged child rape
A roller-skating instructor was due in court Monday over the alleged rape of a six-year-old student which sparked protests from outraged parents, an official in the Indian city of Bangalore said.
21 July 2014
Child's development card introduced in Kazakhstan by UNICEF and Ministry of Health
Kazakhstani Ministry of Health in cooperation with UNICEF introduced an individual child development card.
14 July 2014
Echo of Asia circus festival in Astana
International Circus Festival Echo of Asia was taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan from 1 to 8 July.
09 July 2014
Daddy' gift: triplets born in Astana
Triplets were born at the Center of Motherhood and Childhood in Astana.
27 June 2014
No more memorizing: Kazakhstan Ministry of Education
Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Education is introducing major changes into the education system.
20 June 2014
6 y.o. Kazakhstani dancer to compete in Austria
Sophie Manasyan, a 6 y.o. dancer from Almaty, is preparing to win hearts at an Austrian talents show.
19 June 2014
Mare's milk-based infant food to be produced in Kazakhstan
Production of infant food from mare’s milk will start in Akmola Oblast in the nearest future.
12 June 2014
Celebration of compassion: Kazakhstani nominated for Hermann Gmeiner award
Kazakhstani Asel Rysmendieva, 24, has been nominated for the annual Hermann Gmeiner award that was named after Austrian philanthropist and SOS Children’s village founder.
07 June 2014
Baruch to face court on June 10 for corrupting minors in Kazakhstan
Peter Baruch, the British national detained in Kazakhstan's Uralsk on charges of corrupting minors, will face the court on June 10th.
03 June 2014