One dead as Islamists storm US missions in Libya, Egypt
An armed mob protesting a film deemed offensive to Islam attacked the US consulate in Benghazi Tuesday killing a US official, hours after angry Islamists stormed Washington's embassy in Cairo.
12 September 2012
US faces 'utter defeat' in Afghanistan: Taliban
US forces face "utter defeat" in Afghanistan and Americans are unsafe wherever they go in the world, the Taliban said ahead of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
US to transfer Bagram prison to Afghans
The US is to hand formal control of a controversial prison to the Afghan government on Monday, despite apparent disagreements between the two sides on the fate of hundreds of inmates.
Navy SEAL could face charges for spilling secrets: US
A former Navy SEAL who penned a book on the clandestine raid that killed Osama bin Laden revealed classified information in his first-hand account and could face criminal charges.
US suspends Afghan police recruit training
US special forces in Afghanistan have suspended training for about 1,000 Afghan police recruits to vet existing members, the military said Sunday, after a surge in insider attacks on NATO.
Israeli airstrike targets Hamas camps in Gaza Israeli aircraft attacked three Hamas training camps in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, causing no injuries, eyewitnesses in the enclave said.
Israel deploys anti-rocket battery near Egypt border: army The Israeli army has deployed an Iron Dome air defence system, designed to intercept and destroy rockets, days after two rockets were fired at the town of Eilat near the border with Egypt.
21 August 2012
Insiders focus of US military chief's Afghan trip The top US military officer Martin Dempsey flew Sunday to Afghanistan to hold talks with senior commanders amid a spate of attacks by Afghan soldiers on their NATO counterparts.
20 August 2012
US Army reports spike in suicides Suicides among US Army soldiers more than doubled in July compared to June, the Pentagon said Thursday, the latest evidence of a worrisome trend that has vexed military leaders.
17 August 2012
British military will take 2 years to get over Games: planner Britain's military will take two years to return to normal after it was called upon to provide 18,000 troops for the London Olympics, the chief planner warned in an interview published Tuesday.
Former Blackwater fined $7.5 mn over US arms case The security firm formerly known as Blackwater has agreed to pay a fine of $7.5 million to avoid US prosecution for smuggling arms, the Justice Department said in a statement Tuesday.
09 August 2012
US stands firm against arming Syrian rebels The US is stepping up support for the Syrian rebels but, despite the failure of UN envoy Kofi Annan's mission, is sticking to its refusal to pour arms into a complex conflict.