Kazakhstan ready for a new wave of financial crisis However, should the crisis be lingering, we will have to review approaches to the budgeting process: Samruk – Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund Vice Chairman of the Board.
04 октября 2011
Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov to pay a working visit to Tehran October 8-9 According to the Foreign Ministry, “the forthcoming visit may facilitate further development of bilateral political dialogue, expansion of trade and economic and humanitarian cooperation”.
03 октября 2011
MyPaykz, a new mobile payments service, is launched in Kazakhstan According to its developers, the most obvious advantage of MyPaykz is that its users can be holders of bank cards issued by any bank.
03 октября 2011
Prices for housing in Kazakhstan grew by 20-25% in the H1 2011 Samruk-Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund has come with a program to support construction of affordable housing.
03 октября 2011
Kazakhstan may offer special tax regime for foreign investors injecting $500 million Investors are to be exempted from corporate income tax, land and property tax: Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev.
03 октября 2011
FDI to slightly diminish in 2011 due to decreasing investments into Kashagan oilfield At the same time, according to him, “foreign investments into the processing sector are growing”.
03 октября 2011
Supreme Mufti comments on religion law September 29 Kazakhstan’s Parliament adopted a new law on religion that among other things introduces ban on prayer rooms in public bodies, education and healthcare facilities, military units.
01 октября 2011
Ozon.ru, Russia’s Amazon.com look-alike, to launch dispatch service in Kazakhstan in November The Company will launch delivery outlets in Astana and Almaty.
30 сентября 2011
Chairman of Kazakhstan’s Agency for Religion on wearing hijabs According to him, this issue should not be raised in the legislation.
29 сентября 2011
KazAtomProm and Toshiba Corporation of Japan launch a JV to produce rare metals and rare earths It is expected to start its operations as early as in November.
29 сентября 2011
Kazakhstan’s Senator suggests toughening migration policy with regards to China’s citizens According to him, China is targeting Kazakhstan as part of its demographic expansion campaign.
29 сентября 2011
Kyrgyzstan to supply 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours to Kazakhstan in 2012 It is the first time Kazakhstan has decided to purchase electric power rather than exchange it for coal for the Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) thermal power plant: Kyrgyz Acting Prime Minister Omurbek Babanov.
29 сентября 2011
Uranium production output for the first 8 months announced Overall uranium production output in 2011 is expected at 19 800 tons.
28 сентября 2011
Kazakhstan’s airlines to launch new flights to major destinations: Transport Minister The Ministry is working to accommodate international flights of foreign airlines.
28 сентября 2011
President Nazarbayev meets President of CITIC Group Tian Guoli During the visit I got convinced that Kazakhstan does have a favorable legal framework for foreign investments: Tian Guoli.
28 сентября 2011
President Nazarbayev meets Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC Wu Bangguo has been on its first official visit to Kazakhstan since September 24 on the invitation of the Kazakhstan Senate Speaker Kairat Mami.
27 сентября 2011
JV with RusAgroTrans of Russia to export grain to be launched by the end of the year Besides, KazakhstanTemirZholy National Railways Operator has signed agreements with other companies to rent a total of 5 500 grain railway cars.
27 сентября 2011
Domestic demand for fuel to be met in December 2014: PM Massimov Tengrinews.kz reported that In January – July 2011 petrol production in Kazakhstan had dropped 16% as compared to the like period of 2010.
27 сентября 2011
Kazakhstan plans to export over 10 million tons of grain: Agriculture Minister According to him, contracts have been signed for exports of 1.3 million tons of grain. Only 300 tons have been supplied so far.
27 сентября 2011
Retail price ceiling for fuel will not be raised in October: Oil and Gas Minister On Monday, September 26, Minister Mynbayev said that Kazakhstan would import 50 000 tons of high-octane petrol from the neighboring Russia to help combat fuel shortages.
27 сентября 2011

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