Educational loans system will be developed in Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports. “It is important to create legal conditions for development of the system of guaranteed educational loans: this is the essence of the new changes in the Education Law,” Kazakhstan President said at the opening of the 5th session of the Parliament on September 1. “Legal base of education and science has to be adjusted. It is important to bring it to compliance with international standards. Principles of per capita financing of education facilities and state and private partnership in education have to be fixed legislatively. It is also necessary to create a legal base for development of the intellectual property market. These are important conditions for intensive development of Kazakhstan science,” Nursultan Nazarbayev noted.
Educational loans system will be developed in Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports.
“It is important to create legal conditions for development of the system of guaranteed educational loans: this is the essence of the new changes in the Education Law,” Kazakhstan President said at the opening of the 5th session of the Parliament on September 1.
“Legal base of education and science has to be adjusted. It is important to bring it to compliance with international standards. Principles of per capita financing of education facilities and state and private partnership in education have to be fixed legislatively. It is also necessary to create a legal base for development of the intellectual property market. These are important conditions for intensive development of Kazakhstan science,” Nursultan Nazarbayev noted.