Tengrinews.kz - What are the dollar, euro, and ruble exchange rates in Kazakhstan on October 18.
Dollar to tenge exchange rate on October 18
As of 11:00 a.m., the dollar is selling for 490.12 tenge and buying for 484.99 tenge in Astana. In Almaty, the selling rate is 488.04 tenge and the buying rate is 486.13 tenge.
On October 17, the dollar was sold for 492.98 tenge and bought for 487.01 tenge in Astana, while in Almaty, the selling rate was 489.43 tenge and the buying rate was 487.56 tenge.
Euro to tenge exchange rate on October 18
In Astana, the euro is sold for 532.17 tenge and bought for 526.13 tenge. In Almaty, the selling rate is 530.67 tenge and the buying rate is 526.42 tenge.
On October 17, the euro was sold for 536.00 tenge and bought for 530.01 tenge in Astana, while in Almaty, the selling rate was 533.75 tenge and the buying rate was 529.63 tenge.
Ruble to tenge exchange rate on October 18
In Astana, the Russian ruble is sold for 5.10 tenge and bought for 5.00 tenge. In Almaty, the ruble is sold for 5.09 tenge and bought for 5.00 tenge.
On October 17, the ruble was sold for 5.12 tenge and bought for 5.01 tenge in Astana, while in Almaty, the selling rate was 5.09 tenge and the buying rate was 4.99 tenge.
Official exchange rates from the National Bank on October 18
1 dollar - 487.24 tenge
1 euro - 529.34 tenge
1 ruble - 5.02 tenge
Earlier, the Minister of National Economy discussed the possibility of the dollar exchange rate rising to 600 tenge.
Read also: Dollar exchange rate falls against tenge in Kazakhstan