site.news_by_theme breed

©Still of Tengrinews video Efforts to preserve rare nomad dog breed in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is stepping up its efforts to preserve the nearly extinct tazy dog breed.
29 сентября 2014
Photo ©  RIA Novosty French thief steals from rare birds in South Kazakhstan A French national was arrested on suspicion of stealing a large sum of money from the company he worked in.
13 марта 2014
Vladimir Shvidchenko, Director of Agrobiological Research Center. © Kazakh diet potatoes: New healthy alternative Kazakhstani plant-breeders have produced a new type of vitamin intensive potatoes that can be red, blue or even purple depending on the breed.
30 января 2014
Photo by Anastassiya CHATALBASH© Arabs eager to buy natural meat from Kazakhstan Saudi Arabia is planning to implement the project to support Pavlodar cattle breeding farms and start procuring the high-quality meat.
01 апреля 2013
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture eyes early evaluation of cattle breed it has become possible to define bull-calf's breeding value with the help of genome technologies when it is only two or three months old.
18 октября 2012
Work trip of Serik Akhmetov (C). Photo courtesy of Serik Akhmetov checked on reconstruction of Nura-Ishim channel Kazakhstan's first Vice-PM Serik Akhmetov visited several facilities in Akmolinskaya oblast under instruction of Prime-Minister Karim Massimov.
25 марта 2012
Nazarbayev promised subsidies to bee farmers in North-Kazakhstan oblast Kazakhstan President promised government subsidies to bee farmers of North-Kazakhstan oblast to help them develop anew breed of bees.
11 сентября 2011
©Galiya Kaliyeva Kazakhstan Adai horses won the CIS Cup The competition took place in Spassk-Ryazansky city of Ryazan oblast in Russia. Adai houses Oily came first and Zhiren – third.
04 августа 2011
Photo courtesy of Adai horses to become a national brand Adai horses are given pedigree status after the tests held by a state commission.
09 мая 2011
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