
Kazykhanov site.news_by_theme

Kazakhstan suggested UN to hold anti-crisis conference in Astana
Kazakhstan suggested UN to hold anti-crisis conference in Astana
NATO hopes for economic integration of Afghanistan with Central Asia by 2014
NATO hopes for economic integration of Afghanistan with Central Asia by 2014
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers signed cooperation program
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers signed cooperation program
Kazakhstan taking part in anti-nuclear summit in Iran
Kazakhstan taking part in anti-nuclear summit in Iran
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister to visit Mecca
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister to visit Mecca
Kazakhstan considers participation in development of Afghanistan railroads
Kazakhstan considers participation in development of Afghanistan railroads
Kazakhstan supports UN efforts to stop violence in Syria
Kazakhstan supports UN efforts to stop violence in Syria
Creation of new transport corridors in Central Asia will strengthen Kazakhstan’s sovereignty: Yertysbayev
Creation of new transport corridors in Central Asia will strengthen Kazakhstan’s sovereignty: Yertysbayev
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister and President of Afghanistan met in Kabul
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister and President of Afghanistan met in Kabul
Kazakhstan to run for membership in UNESCO World Heritage Committee
Kazakhstan to run for membership in UNESCO World Heritage Committee
Kazakhstan supports applications of observer-states to enter SCO
Kazakhstan supports applications of observer-states to enter SCO
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister threatened with a shoe for thanking Borat
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister threatened with a shoe for thanking Borat
Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov to visit the USA
Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov to visit the USA
Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov had talks with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi
Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov had talks with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi
Almaty to host 1st summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (CCTS) in October
Almaty to host 1st summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (CCTS) in October
Kazakh Foreign Minister of visit Turkey
Kazakh Foreign Minister of visit Turkey
Massimov met US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Massimov met US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Kazakhstan does not pose a terrorist threat: Marc Grossman, US Special Representative
Kazakhstan does not pose a terrorist threat: Marc Grossman, US Special Representative
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