Tengrinews.kz - Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the messenger has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform.
He shared the changes to the popular messenger on his Telegram channel.
According to him, videos in Telegram channels were previously displayed in their original format, often requiring users to wait and download gigabytes of data just to watch a short clip.
"With today’s update, however, Telegram servers will compress popular videos into multiple quality options and optimize them for streaming. Now, when you watch a video, Telegram automatically selects the most suitable quality based on your connection speed," Durov explained.
As a result, watching videos on Telegram has now become much more convenient, he noted.
Earlier, it was reported that Telegram will open an office in Astana. According to theMinister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Zhaslan Madiyev, Kazakhstan is building cooperation with messaging platforms such as Telegram and Meta.