19 December 2013 | 09:08

China’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan on the Great Chinese Dream


China’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan Le Yucheng. Marat Abilov © China’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan Le Yucheng. Marat Abilov ©

China’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan Le Yucheng told about the Chinese Dream, Tengrinews reports. When delivering a lecture at the Academy of Public Administration in Astana, Mr. Le Yucheng elaborated the Chinese leadership plans to have the Dream come true by 2049. “The Chinese Dream coincides with Kazakhstan-2050 State Strategy in terms of timing (…) the first stage of the respective China’s program is to be complete to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the China’s Communist Party, that is by 2021; the country’s GDP is to be doubled; the second stage of the program is to be complete to celebrate the 100th birthday of the modern China, that is by 2049”, he said. “The Chinese Dream is to bring back the status of a leading global power. China used to be one of the leading global powers; however, it has been somewhat lagging behind in the recent 100 years after facing external aggression and internal shocks. Dynamic growth and joining the ranks of the most developed nations in the world is the utmost goal of the Chinese people”, Mr. Le Yucheng said. “What does the Chinese Dream mean for common Chinese people? To live an abundant life without having to worry about life essentials like food and clothes, to enjoy an easy access to high-quality education, to tackle environment issues”, he said. The Ambassador elaborated that China accounts for 20% of the global manufacturing. 220 out of 500 main consumer products worldwide are mass-produced in China. “From this perspective, China is a global factory. However, Chinese facilities hold weak positions in the global industrial chain. Industrial facilities only enjoy feeble revenues”, he said. “One iPhone costs $500 on average, with Chinese producers only enjoying $6.5 per iPhone. We will be relying on our own design and assembly facilities such as Huawei more rather than producing iPhones”, he said in an interview for Tengrinews.kz. The Ambassador also briefed on China’s other plans for the following 5 years. Notably, China plans to invest about $500 billion abroad. Altogether, 400 million Chinese people will be travelling to other parts of the world for the period. “I hope Kazakhstan will also take advantage of such opportunities”, he said.

China’s Ambassador to Kazakhstan Le Yucheng told about the Chinese Dream, Tengrinews reports. When delivering a lecture at the Academy of Public Administration in Astana, Mr. Le Yucheng elaborated the Chinese leadership plans to have the Dream come true by 2049. “The Chinese Dream coincides with Kazakhstan-2050 State Strategy in terms of timing (…) the first stage of the respective China’s program is to be complete to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the China’s Communist Party, that is by 2021; the country’s GDP is to be doubled; the second stage of the program is to be complete to celebrate the 100th birthday of the modern China, that is by 2049”, he said. “The Chinese Dream is to bring back the status of a leading global power. China used to be one of the leading global powers; however, it has been somewhat lagging behind in the recent 100 years after facing external aggression and internal shocks. Dynamic growth and joining the ranks of the most developed nations in the world is the utmost goal of the Chinese people”, Mr. Le Yucheng said. “What does the Chinese Dream mean for common Chinese people? To live an abundant life without having to worry about life essentials like food and clothes, to enjoy an easy access to high-quality education, to tackle environment issues”, he said. The Ambassador elaborated that China accounts for 20% of the global manufacturing. 220 out of 500 main consumer products worldwide are mass-produced in China. “From this perspective, China is a global factory. However, Chinese facilities hold weak positions in the global industrial chain. Industrial facilities only enjoy feeble revenues”, he said. “One iPhone costs $500 on average, with Chinese producers only enjoying $6.5 per iPhone. We will be relying on our own design and assembly facilities such as Huawei more rather than producing iPhones”, he said in an interview for Tengrinews.kz. The Ambassador also briefed on China’s other plans for the following 5 years. Notably, China plans to invest about $500 billion abroad. Altogether, 400 million Chinese people will be travelling to other parts of the world for the period. “I hope Kazakhstan will also take advantage of such opportunities”, he said.
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