yesterday | 23:23

“Mom, I’m not afraid of the sun anymore”: how the albino sisters from Aktau live

©️ / Turar Kazangapov, - Assel and Kamila gained popularity in 2019 after their photos appeared online. Correspondents from visited the home of the albino sisters from Aktau to learn how the girls' lives have changed since their unique appearance brought them fame.

ПОДЕЛИТЬСЯ - Assel and Kamila gained popularity in 2019 after their photos appeared online. Correspondents from visited the home of the albino sisters from Aktau to learn how the girls' lives have changed since their unique appearance brought them fame.

As soon as we step into the apartment, Kamila, the younger of the albino sisters, rushes toward us. She is now 6 years old, smiles sweetly and hugs us. Her older brother Aldiyar is more reserved, quietly observing the scene.


Their mother, Aiman Sarkitova, emerges from the kitchen and shares the happy news—she has given birth to her fourth child.

"The eldest son was happy to no longer be the only boy among the girls," the mother shares.


She recalls being afraid to show her eldest daughter to her husband after giving birth.

"At the time, my husband was working on a shift, and I didn’t know how to explain the situation to him. First, I told my mother-in-law. All the relatives were shocked that our daughter was born with white hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows," she recalls.


As Aiman Sarkitova notes, at the time, people in Aktau (and the country in general) knew little about albinism. Her eldest daughter Assel often faced challenges.

"When she went outside, boys would tease her. Anyone who paid attention to her made her feel uneasy. She would try to literally run away to avoid questions, which caused her psychological discomfort."


However, according to Aiman, after their story was published, much changed in their lives.

"After the interview we gave to, I can say our lives improved. People started recognizing us. In the city, probably about 70% of people know us now, thanks to the media and social networks. Now people say kind and warm things: "Oh, what a beautiful girl! We know you from the news! You have a sister and a brother too."

Assel is now 19 years old and studying in her second year at a university in Astana. She chose to become a psychologist and received a scholarship.


The elder albino sister is no longer involved in modeling as she was before and is currently focused on her studies.

"Assel loves studying and is a big fan of books. Whenever we send her money, we think she might buy a new bag or clothes, but she always heads straight to the bookstore and comes back home with a stack of books," her mother shares.


Kamila, the younger sister, is now attending a specialized school (because of her vision problems) in Aktau. This year, she started first grade.

"I’m doing well in school. I like everything, especially math. I love playing and drawing," Kamila tells us.

Aiman explains that Kamila’s school is fully equipped to meet her needs, and she is constantly monitored by specialists.

"Before school, she attended a special kindergarten for children with vision problems, where she was very active, participating in all the events. Regular schools were not suitable for her because of the large windows and bright sunlight. But here, the windows are shaded, and she’s allowed to sit at the front of the class, away from the sun," Aiman notes.

The mother of the unique girls says that Kamila is an outgoing child who gets along with everyone.

"School just started, and Kamila is adjusting well. She’s not shy at all, and her teachers are very pleased with her. Assel, on the other hand, is more introverted," Aiman shares.

Because of their albinism, the girls’ skin is highly sensitive to sunlight. The family has strict rules about going outdoors only in the evening when it’s dark.

"We can be out in the sun for a maximum of half an hour, and that’s only in the fall or winter when it’s not as intense. In the summer, we try not to go out at all," Aiman explains.

"One time, Assel went on a picnic by the sea with her classmates. I hesitated at first, but eventually, I let her go because I wanted her to spend time with her friends. We agreed that she’d follow all the safety precautions. But she dipped her feet in the water, took off her socks, and stayed sitting in the sun. She got severely sunburned. She didn’t tell me about it right away, but her legs turned red, blistered, and became very itchy. I had to call an ambulance, and it turned out she had a third-degree burn,” Aiman recalls.


Since then, Assel avoids the sun at all costs and refuses to go swimming.

Both girls must wear hats and sunscreen whenever they go outside to reduce the risks.

"During the day, we stay inside after school. We only go out for evening walks along the promenade. My kids are real homebodies," Aiman says.

"I’m not afraid of the sun. Let it shine! I’ll just wear my sunglasses," Kamila says fearlessly, hugging her mom.

Kamila has big dreams for the future — she wants to become a doctor.

"I want to help children. I don’t want anyone to get sick," she says.

The family is also considering moving to Astana, where her husband’s relatives have already settled.

"It’s hard for the girls here in Aktau with the heat and the sun. We spent the summer in Astana and realized it would be better for us there. Our relatives have been asking us to move for a long time, and now it feels like the right time to consider it seriously. If everything goes well, we’ll move next year," Aiman reveals.

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