A majority of the polled Kazakhstan residents believe that a university degree (the diploma) is an essential document that guarantees a job and measures one’s reputation, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to the poll conducted by HeadHunter recruitment agency’s research center. 55% of the polled residents work within the capacity specified in their diplomas, 7% of university graduates don’t work at present. Higher education institutes’ diplomas have made it possible to advance personally for 41% of the employed respondents. One third of the pollees said that higher education helped them get a good job. 14% of the respondents are sure that their university degree got them nothing. According to the results of the poll, almost one fifth of the pollees were undecided whether they were disappointed with higher education or not. 2538 Kazakhstan residents took part in the poll.
A majority of the polled Kazakhstan residents believe that a university degree (the diploma) is an essential document that guarantees a job and measures one’s reputation, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to the poll conducted by HeadHunter recruitment agency’s research center.
55% of the polled residents work within the capacity specified in their diplomas, 7% of university graduates don’t work at present. Higher education institutes’ diplomas have made it possible to advance personally for 41% of the employed respondents. One third of the pollees said that higher education helped them get a good job. 14% of the respondents are sure that their university degree got them nothing.
According to the results of the poll, almost one fifth of the pollees were undecided whether they were disappointed with higher education or not.
2538 Kazakhstan residents took part in the poll.