Drinking buddy, a new service in Astana 'Drinking buddy is a new paid service in Astana offered by a 42-y.o. man.
26 August 2013
Japan wife kills cheating husband with coffee cup A Japanese housewife battered her septuagenarian husband to death with a coffee cup after discovering he was cheating on her.
26 August 2013
Clash of the mini-titans at China school of rock With neat ponytails and immaculate grades, the four eight-year-olds who bounded on stage would make any Chinese parent proud.
25 August 2013
Baby panda is born at US zoo, but who's the daddy? A giant panda gave birth to a cub at the US National Zoo on Friday, raising hopes for a rare success after a series of false pregnancies and a death.
24 August 2013
US to send 18 tons of nuclear wastes to Kazakhstan from Japan The US are going to transfer more than 18 tons of nuclear wastes of American-origin from Japan over to Kazakhstan for processing them into fuel for nuclear power stations.
23 August 2013
WikiLeaks source Manning: 'I am female' The American soldier sentenced to 35 years in jail for passing secret documents to WikiLeaks asked to be considered a woman on Thursday and requested sex change therapy.
23 August 2013
600,000 still homeless after Philippine floods An estimated 600,000 people in the Philippines remained at temporary shelters or with relatives on Friday after days of heavy rain that killed 20.
23 August 2013
Long-term study backs early HIV drugs for children A landmark five-year trial has strengthened evidence that early use of antiretroviral drugs helps children combat the AIDS virus.
22 August 2013
New treatment could help those with Crohn's, colitis: study A new treatment could offer relief to those with the inflammatory bowel conditions Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
22 August 2013
Insecticide-treated bed nets prevent tropical disease: study Bed nets treated with insecticide are a simple and economical way to eradicate filariasis, a mosquito-born tropical disease that threatens 1.4 billion people worldwide.
22 August 2013
UNICEF advises Kazakhstan to add iodine and vitamins to flour Jun Kukita, UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan, made several recommendations to Kazakhstan on lowering child and infant mortality and increasing life expectancy of Kazakhstan citizens.
21 August 2013
Human activity driving climate change: leaked report Human activity is almost certainly the cause of climate change and global sea levels could rise by several feet by the end of the century.
21 August 2013
Jumpy caterpillar shies the Sun: study The larva of a Vietnamese moth has devised a unique form of transport -- constructing a leaf cone and thrashing about inside to make it jump.
21 August 2013
No pet hates as dog donates blood to save cat Traditional animal rivalries were set aside in New Zealand when a dog's blood was used to save the life of a poisoned cat in a rare inter-species transfusion.
21 August 2013
Rising deforestation sparks concern in Brazil Amazon Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is on the rise sharply, sparking alarm over the future of the world's biggest rainforest.
21 August 2013
Study finds brain lesions in spy plane pilots Tiny brain lesions are vastly more common in US Air Force pilots who fly at high altitudes than in non-pilots.
21 August 2013
299 people receive Bolashak scholarships in Kazakhstan As of today Kazakhstan President’s international scholarship Bolashak has been issued to 299 people, 50 percent of them being Master’s degree and PhD students: official.
20 August 2013
Australian lodges fork in penis for sexual pleasure Shocked doctors had to perform emergency surgery on a man in the Australian capital Canberra after he lodged a 10 centimetre (four-inch) steel fork inside his penis for sexual pleasure.
20 August 2013
Bolivian says he's 123, may be world's oldest person Could this be the world's oldest person? Carmelo Flores Laura lives high in the Bolivian mountains, chews coca leaves, cooks on open fires and says he's 123 years old.
20 August 2013
Children play Angry Birds and Pacman in real life in Almaty Children and teenagers of Almaty city had a chance to play Angry Birds and Pacman at the celebration of the Teenager’s Day.
20 August 2013

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