How Pavel Durov's problems might affect Telegram's security - Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram and VK, who was detained in France, has agreed to cooperate with the country's intelligence
Almaty commuters pay broken keys for bus fare
Cunning commuters would use anything but money to pay for a bus fare in Almaty.
Online adultery booming as cheating sites surge
One 29-year-old woman says it helped her take revenge on her unfaithful husband.
Japan wife kills cheating husband with coffee cup
A Japanese housewife battered her septuagenarian husband to death with a coffee cup after discovering he was cheating on her.
Dozens suspended in Harvard cheat scandal: report
Around 60 students at Harvard University have been suspended and others disciplined in a mass cheating scandal at the elite college.
Harvard probes mass exam cheating
As many as 125 students at Harvard University are being probed for allegedly cheating in a final exam at the elite institution.
Almaty woman shot her kids and herself over husband's unfaithfulness
A woman from Almaty shot her kids and committed suicide after finding out that her husband had been cheating on her.