16 October 2024 | 19:05

Psychologists identify three signs of boundary violations

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Tengrinews.kz - Psychologists have outlined three signs that indicate your personal boundaries may be violated, asserting that having strong boundaries is essential for a happy life, according to DoctorPiter.


Tengrinews.kz - Psychologists have outlined three signs that indicate your personal boundaries may be violated, asserting that having strong boundaries is essential for a happy life, according to DoctorPiter.

Experts note that your personal boundaries can be broken anywhere: at home, in relationships with partners or children, and at work.

"Strong personal boundaries are key to confidence and high self-esteem; they act as a fence that keeps toxic people and destructive habits at bay. They help protect you from harm and resentment, allow you to recognize your desires, and direct your energy toward fulfilling them, while also nurturing self-respect. By standing firm on what is important to you, you demonstrate that you value yourself," the psychologists explain.


Your personal boundaries are violated if:

  • You feel your desires are being ignored;
  • You sacrifice yourself for the sake of others;
  • You struggle to say "no" and find it hard to refuse requests.

"Boundaries should be flexible, as there are always exceptions to the rules. Ask yourself how you feel when you insist on maintaining your personal boundaries; will you feel guilty afterward? It's also crucial to listen to your body's signals. If you feel a tightening inside at the thought of saying 'no,' perhaps it's best not to say it. However, if you know that saying 'yes' will cause you discomfort, then it's better to say 'no,'" says psychologist Elena Gorelova.

Maintaining personal boundaries is crucial, but it's important that they don't turn into a barrier between you and the world. Setting boundaries requires finding a balance - protecting yourself without damaging relationships with loved ones and colleagues. It's essential to avoid extremes; maintaining boundaries should not mean hurting others. Sometimes, it may be appropriate to adjust your boundaries slightly, but not when someone is trying to take advantage of you.

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