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After Higgs breakthrough, CERN readies for next cosmic quest A year ago, the world's largest particle collider made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of science, identifying what is believed to be the Higgs Boson -- the long-sought maker of mass.
01 августа 2013
©REUTERS/Mike Segar Namibia forced to roll back free condom programme Reduced donor funding has forced the Namibian government to shrink the supply of free condoms.
31 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel Scientists delve into the evolution of monogamy Scientists are coming closer to understanding the evolutionary reason behind monogamy, with two new studies out Monday exploring different advantages of the practice that pairs mates for the long haul.
30 июля 2013
Photo courtesy of Some blood pressure drugs found to slow dementia A class of drugs designed to lower blood pressure also slightly brakes the progression of dementia among the elderly and may even boost brain power marginally.
27 июля 2013
©REUTERS Studies show menthol cigs harder to quit: US US regulators on Tuesday released a review of scientific data that shows menthol cigarettes are harder to quit than regular kinds, and asked for public input on a possible ban.
25 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski Elderly with diabetes 50% likelier to have disability Older adults with diabetes are between 50 and 80 percent likelier to have a disability compared to people without the disease.
25 июля 2013
New study ignites debate over Indonesia's mud volcano Scientists on Sunday sparked a fresh debate over what triggered Indonesia's Lusi mud volcano, still spewing truckloads of slime more than seven years after it leapt catastrophically into life.
22 июля 2013
Most people in Kazakhstan want three kids: poll A survey by Headhunter shows that 64% of childless respondents are planing to have three or more kids.
22 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton Stem cell advance boosts prospects for retina treatment Blind mice have been able to see once more in a laboratory exploit that marks a further boost for the fast-moving field of retinal therapy..
22 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Eric Thayer Plant-eating dinos regrew teeth every 1-2 months: study Long-necked plant-grazing dinosaurs that roamed the Earth 150 million years ago evolved a nifty way of fixing broken teeth.
18 июля 2013
©REUTERS Habitat loss doubles coastal flood impact - study Removing mangroves, marshes, reefs, forests, dunes and other natural defences doubles the risk for life and property from coastal floods.
16 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Henry Romero DNA flaw boosts cancer risk from diabetes: study A DNA flaw may explain why people with Type 2 diabetes are more prone to blood cancers than the rest of the population.
15 июля 2013
©REUTERS More evidence of prostate cancer, omega-3 link US scientists said they have confirmed a surprising 2011 study that found a higher risk of prostate cancer among men who consume omega-3 fatty acids.
12 июля 2013
©RUETERS Air pollution boosts lung, heart risks: studies Long-term exposure to particulate air pollution boosts the risk of lung cancer, even at concentrations below the legal maximum.
10 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton New gene sequencing yields healthy baby Scientists said Monday they had used a new-generation gene sequencing technique to select a viable embryo for in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) that yielded a healthy baby boy.
08 июля 2013
Photo courtesy of 'Cousin marriage' doubles gene risk for babies: study First cousins who marry run twice the risk of having a child with genetic abnormalities, according to the findings of a study in the English city of Bradford, published Friday in The Lancet.
04 июля 2013
©REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado Lithium greatly reduces suicide risk: study The mood-stabilising drug lithium reduces suicide risk by more than 60 percent among people with depression.
29 июня 2013
Photo courtesy of Gene clues show which children will grow out of asthma A gene scorecard may one day help predict which youngsters are likely to grow out of childhood asthma and which will have the disease in adulthood.
28 июня 2013
©REUTERS Tableware colour influences food flavour, study British hospitals use red trays in a programme to combat malnutrition, but may have chosen the worst possible colour.
27 июня 2013
©REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Breast is best for getting ahead: study People breastfed as infants have a 24 percent better chance than their formula-fed counterparts of climbing the social ladder.
25 июня 2013

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