site.news_by_theme sex

Australia's apology for military abuse rapped as rushed Australia's apology to sex abuse victims in the military was criticised Tuesday as too rushed to allow the victims to witness it, even as it was welcomed as a necessary step.
28 ноября 2012
Photo courtesy of Facebook and Twitter more tempting than sex: study A study arousing interest online Friday found that checking Facebook or Twitter is more alluring than sex for those immersed in Internet Age lifestyles.
07 октября 2012
Photo courtesy of Sexual Proficiency School to be opened in Almaty Psychologists, gynecologists and other experts will instruct the school's clients about sex in Almaty Sexual Proficiency School.
28 августа 2012
US university removes Paterno statue after child sex scandal Workers at Penn State University on Sunday used jackhammers and a forklift to remove a statue of legendary football coach Joe Paterno, tarnished by a child sex scandal that saw his top aide imprisoned.
25 июля 2012 stock photo Almaty police comments on banning sex from cars Having sex in a car parked in a public area is considered a violation of public order, so as driving naked: Almaty Interior Department.
30 мая 2012 stock photo Sex reassignment surgery costs around $3000 in Kazakhstan According to Dzharbussynov Scientific Center of Urinology, 12 people (8 men and 4 women) have applied to the Center for such surgery in 20 years.
04 мая 2012 stock photo Kazakh blogger works to save fellow countrywomen from sexual slavery Aiken Adamdayev has already saved one girl who found herself a sexual slave in Turkey. He redeemed her from her “master” for $300.
28 июля 2011

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