site.news_by_theme sex

Sex, drugs and beards: an afternoon in a Pakistani porn cinema Three times a day dozens of men pack the auditorium, the air heavy with hashish smoke, to watch graphic sex movies: welcome to the Shama -- a pornographic cinema in Pakistan's Taliban heartland.
24 декабря 2013
Chinese star wins US website apology over sex claims A US-based Chinese news agency has apologized to award-winning actress Zhang Ziyi for claiming she slept with top Chinese officials for money and gifts, a publicist said Wednesday.
19 декабря 2013
French MPs vote to penalise sex workers' clients French lawmakers on Saturday adopted a highly controversial provision in a bill that punishes clients of prostitutes amid fierce argument that the new measure will be counterproductive.
30 ноября 2013
Photo courtesy of No payout for Australia 'sex-at-work' woman An Australian woman injured when a motel room light fitting fell and hit her while having sex on a business trip failed in a bid for workers' compensation.
30 октября 2013
©Reuters Turkey's first online Islamic sex shop opens An online Islamic sex shop selling condoms, massage oils and perfumes has been launched in Turkey, becoming the first of its kind in the predominantly Muslim country.
22 октября 2013
©Reuters Prehistoric Brazil artifacts star in exhibit, spark debate It's no secret humans have been having sex for millennia -- but recently discovered cave art suggests they were doing it in the Americas much earlier than many archeologists believed.
10 октября 2013
'No place' for sexism in Australia: PM Rudd Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Wednesday said there was "no place" for sexism, racism or homophobia in Australia as election rival Tony Abbott laughed off his touting of a candidate's sex appeal.
14 августа 2013
'Australian men don't tell' says Assange of Sweden sex case Julian Assange says he will not publicly address Swedish sex allegations before his bid for office in Australia because "Australian men don't like to talk about their private lives".
08 августа 2013
©REUTERS/Thomas Hodel Facebook to keep ads away from sex and violence Facebook on Monday will tighten its review process to spare advertisers the embarrassment of having their ads pop-up on pages containing porn or violent imagery.
29 июня 2013
Britain's William and Kate to stay in dark over baby's sex The sex of Prince William and his wife Catherine's baby will remain a mystery until its expected arrival in mid-July, with the mother likely to opt for a natural delivery.
21 июня 2013
©REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi US diplomatic security accused in sex, drugs cover-up A US watchdog has launched an inquiry into claims that diplomatic security officials tried to cover up alleged sex-and-drugs charges against agents and diplomats.
11 июня 2013
Photo courtesy of French geographers publish global atlas on sexuality Where are people most unfaithful? Who uses sex toys? On a darker level, where is child rape more prevalent? French geographers have tried to answer these questions and others in a global atlas on sexuality.
10 июня 2013
Michael Douglas denies blaming oral sex for his cancer A spokesman for Michael Douglas denied Monday that the veteran Hollywood actor had blamed his throat cancer on oral sex.
04 июня 2013
US actor Michael Douglas. ©REUTERS/Eric Gaillard Douglas blames sex life for cancer battle Veteran Hollywood star Michael Douglas blamed the cancerous tumour which developed in his throat three years ago on his sex life.
03 июня 2013
Majority reject Japan mayor on comfort women: poll A large majority of Japanese people disagree with a high-profile politician who said women forced to provide sex during World War II were a military necessity.
21 мая 2013
James Franco lashes Australia for banning gay film Hollywood star James Franco has lashed out at Australia for banning the US gay-themed film "I Want Your Love", calling the decision embarrassing.
05 марта 2013
Croatia Catholic Church in anti-sex education campaign Freshly introduced sexual education classes in Croatia's schools has split the EU-bound country as the powerful Catholic Church challenges the centre-left government over its newest addition to the curriculum.
28 февраля 2013
New York wraps up five years of handing out free condoms New York City this week marked the fifth anniversary of a groundbreaking free condom program that has distributed tens of millions free rubbers, under the racy slogan "NYC Condoms -- Get Some!"
16 февраля 2013
Myanmar gets steamed up by sex education magazine With its glossy pages of pouting models and racy romance tips, Myanmar's first sex education magazine has got the usually demure nation hot under the collar as it explores new-found cultural freedom.
12 января 2013
We-Vibe. Photo courtesy of Tech meets sex at big Vegas show Can technology improve sex? The makers of one device unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show are banking on it.
12 января 2013

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