site.news_by_theme scientist

Only 1 in 7 Japanese scientists are women: study Just a seventh of scientists in Japan are female, government figures show -- the lowest rate of any developed nation, despite being a record high for the country.
16 апреля 2014
Photo © Unique paleontological site disappearing in Pavlodar A unique archeological site containing remnants of rhinoceros and mastodons in Pavlodar will vanish if the city administration does not start to care about the Gusinii Perelet paleontological site.
10 апреля 2014
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. Photo courtesy of Hitler's wife Eva Braun may have had Jewish ancestry: documentary Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's wife Eva Braun may have been of Jewish descent according to DNA analysis carried out for a British television documentary, the makers said Saturday.
06 апреля 2014
Igor Samusenko. Photo a KTK screenshot One more Kalachi native falls asleep to wake up in Kokshetau While the team or doctors and scientist is working in Kalachi village to determine what is causing the mysterious sleep syndrome, one more patient has fallen asleep.
20 марта 2014
The 10-meter South Pole Telescope and the BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) Telescope. ©Reuters/Keith Vanderlinde Major discovery bolsters Big Bang theory of universe Waves of gravity that rippled through space right after the Big Bang have been detected for the first time, in a landmark discovery that adds to our understanding of how the universe was born.
18 марта 2014
Dr. Rosa Abzalova. Photo a KTK screen shot Preliminary findings: Kazakhstan's sleep syndrome not infectious The team of Kazakhstani scientists working in Kalachi village on the mysterious sleep syndrome has published their preliminary statement.
17 марта 2014
Minister of Healthcare Salidat Kairbekova. Photo a courtesy of Sleep syndrome: countermeasures and new patients While the Ministry of Healthcare is taking measures concerning the sleep syndrome, there are more cases reported.
12 марта 2014
Photo courtesy of New lizard species discovered in Peru Scientists have discovered a new species of lizard at a national park in Peru.
12 марта 2014
©Reuters/Yorgos Karahalis Blood test can predict Alzheimer's Researchers in the United States say they have developed a prototype blood test that can tell with 90-percent accuracy whether a healthy person will develop Alzheimer's disease within three years.
10 марта 2014
©Reuters/Eric Gaillard Scorcher summers predicted for Europe: study Europe is headed for scorching summers with temperatures well over 40 degrees Celsius (104 deg Fahrenheit) and droughts in the south within the next 40 years, climate scientists said Friday.
07 марта 2014
Pithovirus sibericum. Photo courtesy of 30,000-year-old virus from permafrost is reborn French scientists said they had revived a giant but harmless virus that had been locked in the Siberian permafrost for more than 30,000 years.
05 марта 2014
When stars explode, it's a messy business When stars explode, it's a messy business. But the massive blasts are also useful, seeding the universe with such key elements as calcium, iron and titanium.
21 февраля 2014
First Malaysian dinosaur fossil found: researchers A Malaysian university unveiled on Wednesday what researchers called the first dinosaur fossil ever found in the country -- the tooth of a fish-eating predator estimated to be at least 75 million years old.
19 февраля 2014
Stem cells research in Kazakhstan: reality or dream? Why stem cell research is crucial?
19 февраля 2014
Photo courtesy of Robotic termites build without a boss US scientists showed off tiny robots Thursday that can tackle tasks much like real-life termites, working collectively to build structures without following orders from a boss.
14 февраля 2014
©Reuters/Henry Romero Mass extinction happened fast: study Something wiped out nearly all life on Earth more than 250 million years ago, and whatever unleashed this mass die-off acted much faster than previously thought.
11 февраля 2014
Photo courtesy of Martin Bates Earliest human footprints outside Africa found in Britain: scientists Footprints left by ancient humans 800,000 years ago have been found in Britain, the earliest evidence of such markings outside Africa.
11 февраля 2014
Mystery giant jellyfish washes up in Australia Scientists were Thursday working to classify a new species of giant jellyfish that washed up on an Australian beach, describing it as a "whopper" that took their breath away.
06 февраля 2014
Mars 'jelly doughnut' rock intrigues scientists A strange rock that looks like a jelly doughnut has appeared on Mars, and scientists are closer to figuring out how it got there.
24 января 2014
Sloth and moth are loth to part -- and here's why Imagine a creature so slothful that it snacks off its own fur and budges only once a week for a bowel movement.
22 января 2014

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