Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry'Wars are no longer the same they used to be. Now they are hybrids of economic, political, informational, internal and other wars, and the army has to adjust to the new specifics: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
December holidays in KazakhstanIn December Kazakhstanis and permanent residents of the country will have 3 additional holiday.
18 November 2015
National Bank's Governor post is risky businessThe resignation of Kairat Kelimbetov from the post of the National Bank governor and a prompt appointment of Daniyar Akishev have raised conflicting feelings both in the media and among general public.
Brazil court hits Rousseff again, fueling impeachment talkBrazil's President Dilma Rousseff suffered a major new setback when a court ruled that her government's accounting practices were illegal, handing ammunition to opponents threatening impeachment proceedings.
08 October 2015
Aral Sea poses threat to the world: NazarbayevPresident of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has addressed the problem of the Aral Sea during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.
29 September 2015
'Cheers' but no cheer: Obama and Putin's grim toastRarely can a toast at a UN luncheon have been so chilly. Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin went through the motions, clinking glasses and making eye contact, but no more.