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© MP suggests renaming the capital after Nazarbayev Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament Kuanysh Sultanov offered to reflect the name of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the name of Astana.
23 ноября 2016
Israeli ex-president and Nobel laureate Peres dies Israeli ex-president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres died on Wednesday, some two weeks after suffering a major stroke.
28 сентября 2016
Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan. © Last Soviet boss standing, Kazakh leader still lacks heir 76-year-old Nazarbayev is now the last surviving Soviet-era leader to still be in charge of one of the countries that emerged from the USSR.
23 сентября 2016
'This image says it all' Donald Trump Jr said. Screenshot from DonaldTrumpJr Twitter Trump son compares Syrian refugees to poisoned candies Donald Trump's eldest son triggered an online storm with a tweet comparing Syrian refugees to a bowl containing an assortment of candies.
20 сентября 2016
Turkmenistan changes constitution to extend leader's rule Turkmenistan passed constitutional changes to prolong the presidential term of office.
14 сентября 2016
Almazbek Atambayev. ©RIA Novosti Kyrgyzstan's president backs referendum on constitution Ex-Soviet Kyrgyzstan's President Almazbek Atambayev supported proposed constitutional changes that would limit the power of his office while expanding the mandate of the prime minister.
01 августа 2016
Brazil's impeachment: a how to guide Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff risks being driven from office if the lower house votes in favor of an impeachment trial.
11 апреля 2016
Trump: Celebrity billionaire, next US president? Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate tycoon with bravado to spare, a former reality television star who says winning is everything.
10 февраля 2016
Emomali Rakhmon. ©RIA Novosti Tajikistan to hold key referendum in May Tajikistan is to hold a referendum in May that is expected to let President Emomali Rakhmon stay in office.
10 февраля 2016
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakh President Nazarbayev approves dissolution of Majilis After consulting with Speakers of both chambers of the Parliament and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev dissolved the Majilis.
22 января 2016
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev meets military commanders. Photo courtesy of Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry' Wars are no longer the same they used to be. Now they are hybrids of economic, political, informational, internal and other wars, and the army has to adjust to the new specifics: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
29 декабря 2015
Emomali Rakhmon. Photo courtesy of Tajik parliament votes to name president 'leader of nation' Tajikistan's parliament on Wednesday unanimously voted to grant President Emomali Rakhmon the title 'Leader of the Nation' for life.
09 декабря 2015
Photo courtesy of Akorda press office Nazarbayev visits Qatar to foster investemnts and relations between countries President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Doha, Qatar.
23 ноября 2015
Photo courtesy of December holidays in Kazakhstan In December Kazakhstanis and permanent residents of the country will have 3 additional holiday.
18 ноября 2015
Daniar Akishev. Photo  © Turar Kazangapov National Bank's Governor post is risky business The resignation of Kairat Kelimbetov from the post of the National Bank governor and a prompt appointment of Daniyar Akishev have raised conflicting feelings both in the media and among general public.
18 ноября 2015 © President Nazarbayev: the tenge is not facing something extraordinary According to him, the national currency is just feeling the pressure of falling prices for hydrocarbons, which is natural.
17 ноября 2015
Talks at Akorda. President’s Press Service © President Nursultan Nazarbayev meets US Secretary of State John Kerry in Astana It is the first visit to Central Asia for John Kerry and the first ever visit to all the five Central Asian states on a single trip for a US Secretary of State.
02 ноября 2015 © Kazakhstan’s President invites Japanese companies to partake in privatization of Kazakhstan companies For the last 10 years the inflow of Japan’s FDI made up about $ 5 billion. The trade turnover between the two nations for the last 7 years totaled $10 billion.
28 октября 2015
Turar Kazangapov © President Nazarbayev’s Press Office on President’s forthcoming visits For ten days President Nazarbayev is to visit Doha, Qatar, London, Paris and receive PM of Japan and US Secretary of State in Astana.
22 октября 2015
Akorda © We are approaching a more severe crisis than the one we faced back in 2007-2009: President Nazarbayev According to him, due to falling global prices for hydrocarbons, budget revenues have dropped by 40%. Besides, global prices are falling for major Kazakhstan’s commodities.
20 октября 2015

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