Kazakhstan’s PM Karim Massimov on further economic prospectsThe Government will be rendering support to socially vulnerable groups of population. In the long run (…) it’s impossible to support all troubled industries out of taxpayers’ money: Karim Massimov.
Kazakh currency falls 23 percent after switch to free-floatEnergy-rich Kazakhstan announced it was abandoning its currency band for a free-floating exchange rate, in a move that triggered a 23-percent fall in the value of the tenge against the US dollar.
Greece repays 3.4 bn euros to European Central Bank: sourceGreece has repaid 3.4 billion euros ($3.79 billion) due to the European Central Bank, a source close to the Greek government said after the launch of a massive new reforms-for-bailout deal.
20 August 2015
PM Massimov on how Kazakhstan avoided defaultFrom August 20 the National Bank and the Government have decided to implement a new monetary policy based on inflation targeting and to renounce the earlier practiced currency corridor.
France and Britain to sign deal on Calais migrant crisisFrance and Britain are to sign a deal Thursday aimed at alleviating the migrant crisis in Calais, where thousands of people desperate to cross the Channel have gathered in slum-like conditions.
20 August 2015
Obama to take last shot at closing GitmoBarack Obama is making a final push to close Guantanamo prison, but to fulfill that glaringly incomplete campaign promise he faces unpalatable compromises and internal resistance.
20 August 2015
Obesity 'master-switch' in genes may be turned off: studyScientists have identified a genetic master-switch that makes some people more prone to obesity than others, and research out suggests it can be turned off, possibly leading to weight loss.