site.news_by_theme gay

Sir Ian McKellan. ©REUTERS Gandalf actor chides New Zealand PM over gay 'joke' British actor Ian McKellan has criticised New Zealand Prime Minister John Key for using the word "gay" to mock a radio host's attire, saying the term should not be casually used as an insult.
06 ноября 2012
Taiwan couple in same-sex Buddhist wedding Two women tied the knot on Saturday in Taiwan's first same-sex Buddhist wedding, a move rights groups hope will help make the island become the first place in Asia to legalise gay marriage.
11 августа 2012
Gay taboo turns to pride in Vietnam Communist Vietnam is considering legalising same-sex marriage, which would catapult it to the fore of gay rights in Asia, where traditional values dominate many societies and sodomy is illegal in some.
07 августа 2012
Gays target US fast-food chain with 'kiss-in' Gays and lesbians puckered up at "kiss-ins" outside Chick-fil-A outlets across the United States in protest over the fast-food chain's opposition to same-sex marriage.
04 августа 2012
Activists hope gay marriage debate will stir Japan Koyuki Higashi is slim, articulate and intelligent, things that make a would-be wife attractive to many in Japan. But Higashi knows she will probably never marry because she is a lesbian.
30 июля 2012
New Zealand parliament to vote on gay marriage New Zealand lawmakers will hold a vote on allowing gay marriage after a proposal to change the law was listed on parliament's agenda Thursday.
26 июля 2012
Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed. Photo courtesy of A Frenchman's union of Islam and homosexuality A newlywed homosexual Frenchman is on a mission to prove that "being gay and Muslim is possible" after feeling forced for years to choose between his religion and sexuality.
23 июля 2012
©REUTERS/Lisi Niesner Time to overhaul AIDS strategies for gays - study Three decades of safe-sex messages to gays have failed to stem the spread of HIV among a population at greater risk of the AIDS virus than heterosexuals, experts warned in The Lancet on Friday.
21 июля 2012
Taiwan to stage 1st same-sex Buddhist wedding Two women plan to tie the knot next month in Taiwan's first same-sex Buddhist wedding, as gay and lesbian groups push to make the island the first society in Asia to legalise gay marriage.
11 июля 2012
There are gays and lesbians among Kazakhstan officials They are either fired or not hired. This is an unspoken rule for many commercial structures: human rights activist.
17 мая 2012
Rainbow Flash campaign. Photo courtesy of Abstaining from holding pride parades is a matter of principle for Kazakhstan gays Representatives of Kazakhstan’s LGBT community told why they never hold pride parades.
24 января 2012
©RIA Novosti/A.Solomonov Kazakhstan senators against same-sex unions Kazakhstan Commission on Social-Cultural Development discussed and submitted draft Marriage and Family Code for the second reading on October 6.
30 сентября 2011
Photo courtesy of Gay people may work in government bodies in Kazakhstan Sexual orientation is not a barrier for a person willing to work in state authorities.
06 сентября 2011
©REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko Shymkent citizen moved to another country because of sexual orientation A citizen of Shymkent moved to a neighboring country because of constant insults for his sexual orientation.
17 августа 2011

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