site.news_by_theme gay

Gay parents the 'new normal' on small screen Married with two kids? How boringly 20th-century. Blended families and same-sex parents are increasingly vying for space with the nuclear family on the small screen in line with shifts in Western society.
08 декабря 2013
©Reuters/Mansi Thapliyal 'Gay' Christmas lights spark Rome row The gay rainbow-flag theme for the Christmas lights on Rome's main shopping street that were switched on Friday have sparked an unholy row in the Eternal City.
07 декабря 2013
©Reuters/Rick Wilking Egypt's first gay film, a sad affair that irks censors Director Hany Fawzy's "Family Secrets," Egypt's first film about homosexuality, has hit a sensitive nerve with censors in this Muslim country where the topic is taboo.
06 декабря 2013
Croatia gays say marriage referendum major setback After six years together, Hana and Iva both decided they had met "the one" -- but the Croatian couple's dream of getting married and having children risks being derailed by a referendum to outlaw same-sex marriage.
28 ноября 2013
©Reuters More lesbian sex please, we're British The number of British women having lesbian encounters has quadrupled in the last 20 years, according to the largest-ever survey of Britain's sexual habits which was published on Tuesday.
26 ноября 2013
©Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin Miss Universe host slams Russia for 'demonising' gays US television host Thomas Roberts, who is in Moscow to present Miss Universe contest and is openly gay, has condemned Russia's homophobic legislation in what he called dark times for the country.
08 ноября 2013
©REUTERS Kazakhstan to counteract propaganda of same-sex marriages and lifestyles We could consider mechanisms to fend children off information promoting same-sex marriages and to set liability for those disseminating such information: PM.
04 ноября 2013
©Reuters Almaty Mayor admits gays exist in his city Akim (Mayor) of Almaty city Akhmetzhan Yessimov has admitted the existence of gays in the city.
01 ноября 2013
©REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Kazakhstan MP suggest adopting anti-gay law Kazakhstan’s Parliament deputy Bakhytbek Smagul has suggested drafting a law to ban same-sex relations.
03 октября 2013
Obama says he admires pontiff's inclusive spirit President Barack Obama had warm words Wednesday for what he sees as Pope Francis' inclusive attitude in recent remarks urging the Roman Catholic church not to focus only on abortion or gays.
03 октября 2013
Belgrade bans Gay Pride parade again Serbia on Friday banned Gay Pride for the third year running, saying the risk of allowing the parade to go ahead was too high.
28 сентября 2013
Russian film braves law to tell gay love story A taboo-breaking Russian film tackling the topic of gay love may have earned critical plaudits but its makers fear few will ever see the movie given the crackdown on so-called "homosexual propaganda".
14 сентября 2013
Obama to meet Russian gay activists on G20 visit US President Barack Obama will meet with Russian gay rights activists in the course of his visit to Russia.
05 сентября 2013
Gay rights activists protest Russia law About 300 gay rights activists rallied in Madrid on Tuesday as part of an international protest against hotly disputed Russian laws cracking down on homosexuals.
04 сентября 2013
©REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Gay Muslims in Turkey: torn between religion and sexuality "When I was a child, I was told that homosexuals would burn in hell," said Ertugrul, a Muslim fighting for greater freedom for gays in a country where homosexuality remains taboo.
07 августа 2013
Rhode Island, Minnesota join same-sex wedding states Gay and lesbian couples in Rhode Island and Minnesota began tying the knot as same-sex marriage laws in the two states went into effect Thursday.
02 августа 2013
Tiny French village to become 'oasis' for ageing British gays Salleles-d'Aude is a picturesque village like so many in France, with vines, a tree-lined canal, a church... and soon, a "private oasis" for ageing British gay people -- reportedly a first in the country.
02 августа 2013
US gays pour out anger, vodka over Russia laws Demonstrators poured vodka down the drains of New York on Wednesday in protest over new Russian laws that have been widely condemned as anti-gay.
01 августа 2013
Pope Francis: 'Who am I to judge' gays? Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, declaring that it is not his place to judge them -- while also condemning the Vatican's reported gay lobby as a "serious problem".
30 июля 2013
Lithuania gays slam pride parade TV ad restrictions Lithuania's gay community on Monday denounced restrictions placed on television publicity for this month's gay pride parade, saying they were akin to Russia's so-called "gay propaganda" ban.
17 июля 2013

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