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©Tengrinews illustration Kazakhstan Minister of Culture calls gay smooch ad 'ugly' and 'nonhuman' The infamous poster depicting a Russian poet and a Kazakh composer smooching caused outrage in the social media in Kazakhstan. Now, the Kazakh Minister of Culture has joined the slamming.
29 августа 2014
©Havas Worldwide Kazakhstan Russian political party slams ad depicting Russian poet kissing Kazakh composer The poster of Kazakh composer Kurmangazy and Russian poet Pushkin kissing produced by an Almaty-based ads agency is in the eye of a hurricane of outrage from both Kazakhstan and Russia.
28 августа 2014
Photo courtesy of Russian poetry and Kazakh music heavyweights in gay smooch The recent Kazakhstani ad showing a Kazakh composer and a Russian poet kissing has generated an outpouring of discontent in Kazakhstan.
25 августа 2014
US Supreme Court blocks same-sex marriages in Virginia The Supreme Court put a hold on gay marriages in Virginia, as it weighs whether to legalize same-sex marriage across the United States.
21 августа 2014
Aussie couple with 'surrogate' baby refused exit from Thailand A gay Australian couple have been stopped from leaving Thailand with a baby for having incomplete documents for the infant.
15 августа 2014
©Reuters/Petar Kujundzic China court hears first gay 'conversion therapy' case A Beijing court began hearing a landmark case on "gay conversion" treatment Thursday, as an activist in a nurse's uniform knelt over a patient, wielding a giant needle, outside.
31 июля 2014
©Reuters/Yorgos Karahalis WHO urges all gay men to use preventive drugs The World Health Organization urged all men who have gay sex to take antiretroviral drugs, warning that HIV infections are rising among homosexual men in many parts of the world.
12 июля 2014
Participants gesture during a gay pride parade in central Istanbul. ©Reuters/Osman Orsal Tens of thousands turn out for Istanbul Gay Pride parade Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Istanbul for the city's Gay Pride parade, an event that has taken on added political significance a year on from massive anti-government protests.
01 июля 2014
©Reuters/Mark Blinch Mass gay wedding in Toronto for 115 couples Australians Richard Laslett and Collin Gunther waited 37 years to say "I do" to one another.
27 июня 2014
US slaps sanctions on Uganda for 'vile' anti-gay laws The United States Thursday slapped sanctions on Uganda -- cancelling a military air exercise, imposing visa bans and freezing some aid -- amid deep US anger at "vile" Ugandan anti-gay laws.
20 июня 2014
©Reuters/Mark Makela Costa Rica to allow gay couples to share health benefits Costa Rica's social security administration has agreed to allow same-sex couples to share health and pension benefits, even though the conservative Central American country bans gay marriage.
24 мая 2014
Bearded Austrian drag queen wins Eurovision Bearded Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision contest early Sunday with the song "Rise Like a Phoenix", beating expectations that the eye-catching performance would be too controversial in socially conservative countries.
11 мая 2014
Sao Paulo gay march urges action on homophobia Revelers thronged central Sao Paulo for the city's annual gay pride parade Sunday amid calls to criminalize homophobic behavior.
06 мая 2014
©Reuters/Max Rossi Italian court recognises gay marriage for first time An Italian court on Wednesday recognised a gay couple as married for the first time in Italy, which does not have any form of official acknowledgement of same-sex unions.
10 апреля 2014
©Reuters/Olivia Harris Crimean gays fear life under Russia Yelena, an openly gay teacher in Crimea who is raising four children with her partner, fears she could lose her family and her job now that her home has been taken over by Russia.
10 апреля 2014
First gay marriages take place in England and Wales Gay couples across England and Wales said "I do" on Friday night as a law authorising same-sex marriage came into effect at midnight, the final stage in a long fight for equality.
29 марта 2014
Helen Bender. ©Lena Reiner German designer fashions 'hers & hers' bridal niche German fashion designer Helen Bender specialises in bridal wear but targets gay pride parades to pitch to new customers rather than wedding fairs.
25 марта 2014
SwitzerlandU.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. ©Reuters/Denis Balibouse Nigeria gets first visit from UN rights chief Nigeria, under fire internationally for banning gay marriage and alleged abuses while tackling Islamist insurgents, received its first visit from the United Nations human rights commissioner.
13 марта 2014
Dalai Lama says no problem with gay marriage The celibate Dalai Lama has thrown his considerable moral weight behind gay marriage, condemning homophobia and saying sex was fine as long as it was consensual.
07 марта 2014

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