Disabled from France cycled 17 thousand km from Brest to Almaty
His final destination is Nepal, where Bernard is planning to arrive in four months.
PHOTO: Massimov went sightseeing in Paris
In the course of his official visit to France Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov went sightseeing in Paris and visited Louvre.
Kazakhstan wants to be part of OECD
On his official visit to France, Prime Minister Karim Massimov met OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurría.
PM Massimov met PM François Fillon of France
Following the talks, the two sides signed a number of bilateral documents.
Prime Minister Karim Massimov meeting leaders of flagship French companies
On his official visit to France June 26-27 Kazakhstan’s PM Karim Massimov was to meet his French counterpart François Fillon and OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurría.
PM Karim Massimov to meet French PM François Fillon
Besides, PM Massimov is to meet OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurría.
PM Massimov on a visit to Paris
During the visit the sides are expected to tally results of the agreements reached at the highest levels.
Kazakhstan and Russia agree on KazSat-3
The contract was signed within the framework of the 49th International Air Show in the Parisian suburbs of le Bourget.
Prime Minister Karim Massimov to launch direct flights between Kazakhstan and France
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov is expected to visit France June 26-27.
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov to visit France June 26-27
According to the Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry, during the official visit the sides will tally results of the agreements reached at the highest level.
Presentation of Astana as candidate to host EXPO-2017 will be held in Paris on June 14
Official presentation of Astana as candidate to host EXPO-2017 will be made on June 14 at the 149th session of BIE General Assembly.
Marchenko's competitor to seek for support in Asian countries
French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde is planning to visit China, India and Brasil to get their support for the elections to the top IMF post.
Kazakhstan is cautious about adopting Afghanistan-related laws
An agreement with France on transit of military equipment and personnel was ratified on May 25 with several reservations.
Businessman shot in Nice turned out to be Russian citizen
Identification has showen that the businessman shot in Nice was a citizen of Russia.