site.news_by_theme Energy

Meeting of Kazakhstan government. Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan government approved state energy saving plan Kazakhstan government has approved the energy saving plan that will help save 200 billion tenge ($1.4 billion) a year.
29 ноября 2011 stock photo Energy club to be created under SCO The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will create an Energy Club to discuss energy projects.
07 ноября 2011
The valley will be flooded and Bestyube reservoir will appear insted. Total area - 1,045 hectares. ©Dmitriy Khegai PHOTO: Moinak hydroelectric station in Kazakhstan to produce first electricity in 2011 The scope of performed works is over 90 percent: Asset Issekeshev.
19 октября 2011 Kazakhstan and USA adopt a joint action plan in energy realm On Friday Astana hosted the 8th sitting of the Kazakh-US Committee for Energy Partnership presided over by Oil and Gas Minister Sauat Mynbayev and US Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman.
14 октября 2011
Asset Issekeshev. ©Yaroslav Radlovsky Alternative energy sources to produce 3% of consumed power by 2020 According to Minister of Industry and Trade, as of the end of 2010 Kazakhstan generated 82 billion kilowatt-hours. The figure is to reach 100 billion by 2015.
05 октября 2011
Photo courtesy of Karaganda experts to take part in power engineers tournament in Russia Karaganda power engineers will take part in the international tournament to be held at the end of September in Russia.
12 сентября 2011
Nursultan Nazarbayev. ©REUTERS President Nazarbayev calls for energy-saving measures According to him, Kazakhstan’s citizens haven’t been taught to save electric power, water and other resources.
01 сентября 2011
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan government is developing energy efficiency program The plan is to decrease energy content of GDP by at least 10 percent by the end of 2014.
23 августа 2011
Nursultan Nazarbayev.© Maksim Popov Nazarbayev suggests an International Energy Organization coordinate extraction and distribution of all energy resources According to him, the International Energy Agency is only defending interests of countries importing oil and gas.
19 июня 2011
©REUTERS/Kimberly White Wind and solar energy share to reach 3% in Kazakhstan Minister of Environmental Protection Nurgali Ashim speaks about Kazakhstan's strive to develop alternative energy sources.
12 июня 2011
EXPO-2017 facilities to be built behind Ak Orda Palace Should EXPO-2017 International Fair be hosted by Kazakhstan, its facilities will be built behind Ak-Orda presidential residence in Astana.
02 июня 2011
89% percent of Kyrgyz power consumed by Astana 430.5 million kW/hours of electric power was exported to Astana from Kyrgyzstan; this accounts for 89 percent of the export from Kyrgyzstan.
22 мая 2011
©REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Alternative energy perspectives to be discussed in Astana on May 12-13 Perspectives of alternative energy will be discussed in Astana on May 12-13.
12 мая 2011
Photo © Islamic Infrastructure Fund aquired 13% in CAEPCO Islamic Infrastructure Fund (IIF) has signed an agreement on investments with JSC Central Asian Electric Power Corporation (CAEC).
03 мая 2011

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