Massimov met with heads of space agencies of Russia and Kazakhstan Karim Massimov met with Head of Russian Federal Space Agency and Chairman of Kazakhstan National Space Agency.
19 July 2011
Investments into creation of KazSat-2 to be recouped in 4 years Consequently, in summer 2015 it will start filling the state coffers: Meirbek Moldabekov, Vice Chairman of the Kazakhstan Space Agency.
19 July 2011
Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) to visit Kazakhstan Miroslav Jenca is to discuss prospects of cooperation between the UN Organization and Kazakhstan and a raft of issues of international significance: Foreign Ministry.
19 July 2011
Removal of borders in CU to increase flow of heroin to Russia through Kazakhstan Russian Federal Drug Control Service is concerned that flow of heroin to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus might intensify in the nearest time.
18 July 2011
Air Astana to launch flights to Hong Kong The number of passengers in the H1 2011 grew 18.7% as compared to the like period of 2010, making up 1.35 million people.
18 July 2011
Russia planning modernization at Baikonur Another launch facility is going to be constructed for Soyuz-2 launch vehicles: Roscosmos Head Vladimir Popovkin.
18 July 2011
Bolashak bursaries will still be available to postgraduate students seeking a Master degree We have 77 professional directions to further finance within the Program: Sayasat Nurbek, Director of the Center for International Programs.
18 July 2011
Juliette Binoche to come to Almaty for 7th Film Festival Eurasia Famous French actress Juliette Binoche will come to Almaty for the 7th International Film Festival Eurasia.
17 July 2011
International expedition successfully completed second advancement to K2 Our plan is to set the third camp now: Maksut Zhumayev.
16 July 2011
Massimov: Situation with foreign debt in Kazakhstan much better than in any EU country A new strategy of national security sets limits on foriegn debts: Karim Massimov
16 July 2011
Karim Massimov talked about objectives of Kazakhtan's development in the coming years Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov outlined a range of problems that the Government has to attend to in the coming years.
15 July 2011
Massimov: Knowledge of Kazakh language should be compulsory for Kazakhs Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov thinks that knowledge of the mother tongue should be compulsory for Kazakhs.
15 July 2011
Number of drag-racers increased 4-fold in Almaty More and more people become fond of drag racing in Almaty. The number of participants of car races have grown four-fold.
15 July 2011
Massimov met with EBRD Managing Director Olivier Descamps Among other topics, the meeting covered cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EBRD in implementation of infrastructural projects.
15 July 2011
Online-conference with Karim Massimov to start at 12 p.m. on July 15 Video online-conference with Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov will be held today, July 15 at 12:00 p.m.
15 July 2011
Kazakhstan Embassy in London paid $60 thousand in parking fines Kazakhstan diplomatic mission is considered the most frequent violator compared to other diplomatic representative offices in London.
15 July 2011
H1 2011 gas production up According to the State Agency for Statistics, gas production output for the period under review made up 6.3 billion cubic meters.
14 July 2011
Almaty to spend $36 million on trolleys in 2011 Almaty administration is planning to buy trolleys for $36 million by the end of 2011.
14 July 2011
H1 2011 oil and coal production figures According to the State Agency for Statistics, crude production stood at 33.9 million tons with coal production output standing at 49.7 million tons.
14 July 2011
Gold production output in H1 2011 60% up According to the State Agency for Statistics, gold production output in Kazakhstan in the H1 2011 grew by 60% as compared to the like period of 2010.
14 July 2011

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