Tengrinews.kz - Residents of Astana noticed an unusual phenomenon in the sky over the capital – a solar halo. A correspondent from Tengrinews.kz captured the beauty of the natural phenomenon.
In the morning, capital residents could see the solar halo – an atmospheric phenomenon in which a ring-like glow appears around the sun.
This phenomenon is caused by the scattering of light on tiny ice crystals in Earth's atmosphere. The halo around the sun can be observed when high clouds made of ice crystals are present in the atmosphere.
Photo Tengrinews.kz©
A solar halo forms when clouds contain tiny ice crystals that are light enough to stay suspended in the air. These crystals form when water droplets freeze in the cold upper layers of the atmosphere.
For the halo to form, the crystals must be aligned in such a way that their planes are parallel to each other. This creates conditions for multiple reflections and scattering of light. As the light refracts through the ice crystals, it is reflected, forming a characteristic ring-like glow around the sun.